not sure if gay or just insane
Relax now. Sit down or lie back and relax. Let yourself relax as you listen to my words. You can relax as you listen to my words and breathe calmly. Remember to take calming breaths in and out in whatever rhythm feels most comfortable for you. Take calming breaths as you relax, and settle in place to listen to my words. Let all other noise around you fade into the background as you listen only to my words.

You're going to relax here, listening to nothing but my words, as you slowly sink into a relaxing hypnotic trance. All you need to do is let yourself relax and listen. You can feel comfortable and safe here as you breathe calmly and relax, listening only to my words.

Relax, and let any noise but my words fade into the background. You can feel safe to relax here. You can relax here, knowing all you need to do is listen to my words. You can feel calm here, knowing all that you need to do is relax.

I want you to imagine yourself at a stone archway set into a mountainside. Relax, and try to imagine an open stone archway leading to a long and dark stairway downwards. You can continue to breathe in and out calmly as you visualize this rocky mountainside. You are at the entrance to a deep and dark cavern just as you are at the beginning of a hypnotic journey. You are on a mountainside, with little to see around you except this stone archway. You are looking at a large stone doorway carved into the mountain itself, the arch many times your own height. You are standing before this archway on a mountainside, nothing but rocks and boulders around. You can see no vegetation, no plants or animals. You can only see stone, the stone of this archway. There is nothing here but you and this tall stone archway, and you can visualize this scene as you stand at the top of the long and dark stairway down.

You're going to start taking steps down this long staircase, descending into darkness with every step. You will fall deeper and deeper into a relaxing trance with every step you take down this dark staircase. You will go deeper and deeper, deeper and deeper until you are at the bottom of the staircase. You will go deeper and deeper, deeper and deeper until you are in a relaxing hypnotic trance.

I'm going to count down from twenty and with each number you are going to feel yourself taking a step down this staircase. You are going to walk through this stone archway and with each step downwards you will fall deeper and deeper into a trance. With each number you will go deeper and deeper down this staircase. As you go deeper and deeper, your mind will go deeper and deeper into trance.

Twenty. At the top of the stairs, ready to descend.

Nineteen. Going a single step deeper.

Eighteen. Stone walls sloping on either side.

Seventeen. Continuing deeper down the dark staircase.

Sixteen. Deeper and deeper, deeper and deeper.

Fifteen. The air around you feeling cooler and wetter.

Fourteen. The light from the top of the staircase starting to dim.

Thirteen. Knowing it's safe to keep going deeper.

Twelve. Knowing you want to go deeper.

Eleven. Nearly halfway down but still so much deeper to go.

Ten. Feeling as if you're going twice as deep with each number now.

Nine. Twice as deep, as if the steps are taller.

Eight. Twice as deep, as if your mind grows dimmer.

Seven. Deeper and deeper, deeper and deeper.

Six. Knowing you need to go deeper.

Five. Feeling as if the archway at the top of the stairs is closing.

Four. Knowing you'll soon be unable to go back this way.

Three. Knowing that you want to continue.

Two. Even if you can't return this way.

One. Arriving at the foot of the staircase, as deep as you can go.

You are at the bottom of the staircase. You have gone deeper and deeper, deeper and deeper until you arrived in a deep and dark cavern. You can feel yourself in the dark cavern at the bottom of the staircase, with the air feeling damper than outside. You are in a deep and dark cavern with rocky walls because you wanted to descend this staircase. You are at the foot of a long stone staircase because you were curious to see what awaited you here.

The air in this cavern is moist yet pleasantly cool. You descended from high on the mountainside down into this deep and dark cavern . You can't see far in the darkness, but you can feel the slight stickiness of a thin coating of slime on the stone floor beneath your feet. There's no unpleasant smell coming from the slime, but the air feels just a little thicker and heavier down here.

The surrounding your body feels just a little thicker since descending the staircase. You have walked down the stairs, stepping into the slime coating the floor of the cavern. You have walked down the stairs, and the entrance sealed behind you. You are in this cavern and though it is too dark to see any walls you can feel the slight stickiness of the slimy stone floor beneath your feet.

You take a step forward, going deeper into the darkness. There is nothing visible around you as you walk forwards into this damp darkness. You can feel safe as you begin to explore the dark cavern step-by-step.

Your sloshing footsteps echo in this dark and vast cavern. The air around you is damp and cool as you walk step-by-step, step-by-step. Each step through the slime is taking you deeper into this dark and damp cavern. Each step in this dark and damp cavern is covering your feet with more slime.

You can feel the slime beneath your feet becoming deeper and thicker with each step. Just a little stickier at first, as you continue walking step by step, step by step. Until suddenly you have to stop.

You can feel the thick and sticky slime oozing up to your ankles, stopping you from lifting your legs to take even one more step. You would move step by step, step by step through the damp and dark cavern, but you can't so much as take another step as your legs sink into the slime.

The slime feels pleasantly soft around your ankle, like soft pillows are wrapping around your legs. The stickiness of the slime holds you in place deep in this dark, damp cavern, as the slime starts to change your body.

You are trapped in this cavern for now, held fast by the slime that's beginning to creep up your captive body. You are in this cave and you are going to undergo a transformation into a new kind of creature. You are going to transform from a human into a monster called a COCK-SLUG. Your transformation will turn you into a large slug creature with a slimy body and no limbs, and this body will feel so natural for you. You are going to become a COCK-SLUG, a creature with stalks for eyes and row upon row of sensitive slimy cocks lining your front. You are starting to turn into a COCK-SLUG, and this is going to be your body as long as it's enjoyable and safe to be this way.

You reach down with your arms to see if your legs can be freed. You find more of the slimy sludge coating your hands, slowly rising up your body and pulling you downwards. You are going to turn into a COCK-SLUG, transformed by this sticky slime, and you can no longer even attempt to escape your fate.

You will feel this transformation happen slowly over the course of this session, and it will begin all over again whenever you or someone you trust says or writes the trigger phrase, TIME TO BECOME A COCK-SLUG. Whenever you see or hear the words TIME TO BECOME A COCK-SLUG and it is safe for you to become a sticky, slimy and sexy slug you will feel the transformation begin anew. When you or someone you trust uses the words TIME TO BECOME A COCK-SLUG you will feel your body becoming that of a helpless and submissive slug with row upon row of constantly-leaking cocks. When it's TIME TO BECOME A COCK-SLUG your body will change to fill your role. Your face will become a slimy slug's face complete with eyestalks whenever it's TIME TO BECOME A COCK-SLUG. If you want to become human again and see or read the words COCK-SLUG TIME OVER your transformation will end. As long as you are not trapped within this cavern you need only see or hear the words COCK-SLUG TIME OVER to become human once more.

You can feel your legs, too heavy to move while stuck fast in slime. You can relax as a soft coating of the slime begins to seep into your skin, starting with the tips of your toes. Feel this sticky liquid sinking into the very skin of your toes and moving up past them, flowing down past. You can feel this liquid moving, completely coating the soles of your feet until your soles are soaked through with slime.

Relax as the bottoms of your feet become slimy and sticky, just like the thick sludge holding your helpless body in place. The soles of your feet are becoming softer and slimier. Your feet are changing, each of your toes merging tgether until each of your feet is an indistinct fleshy blob.

Your feet are changing, even beginning to merge into one. You can feel the beginning of your transformation into a COCK-SLUG as your feet merge together into one, becoming the tip of your slimy COCK-SLUG tail. It's TIME TO BECOME A COCK-SLUG, and your transformation is starting with the slime seeping into your feet, sticking them together as an adorably squishy tail. You are becoming a COCK-SLUG, and your transformation is only beginning.

Feel your slimy tail taper off into a point even as the transformation continues up your legs. Your legs are merging together at the ankles, like a zipper being pulled closed. Your Feet have already became the point of your COCK-SLUG tail, and it's only a matter of time before the rest of your body changes.

You can feel your slimy and squishy legs merging below the knees, becoming nothing but a satisfyingly squishy tail. Your thighs are already beginning to dissolve together, leaving you a helpless slug from the waist down. Your long and slimy tail feel so natural, your mind already changing to suit your new role as a COCK-SLUG. You can relax, and let the changes continue up your body, even as you are held in place by your own sticky and slimy tail.

Now feel your changes reach your hips. It's TIME TO BECOME A COCK-SLUG, and you will have no need for your human ass or genitals in your new form. Feel the slime coat slide up past your waist, moving up your body even as it changes.

Your ass seals shut, becoming a part of your long and slimy tail. You can feel that you could open a hole in your body there if it needs to be used, but for now it's sealed shut by sticky slime. You are a COCK-SLUG, and this change feels so natural to you.

Your genitals are smoothing over into the slimy flesh of your slug body. You can feel nothing but a sensitive patch of slimy skin between where your legs once were, your COCK-SLUG body becoming less human by the second. You know that just like your ass you can use your genitals if you need to, but for now they are gone under a sticky sheen of slime. It's TIME TO BECOME A COCK-SLUG, and you're already changed entirely from the wait down.

Relax, as your arms begins melting into the side of your body. The slime has been creeping up your arms all this time, soaking into them to prepare you for this change. Feel your limbs merging with the sides of your chest, stuck in place by slime at first. Within moments you feel that slime oozing out into new flesh, your arms vanishing entirely into your upper body as you continue to change into a COCK-SLUG. You are a COCK-SLUG, and you have no need of limbs. You are a COCK-SLUG, and your body is becoming almost entirely one long, slimy tail.

Your belly and chest are changing, too. Feel your belly smooth out, becoming more of your long and sticky tail. You are a COCK-SLUG, and you're going to be able to move only by squirming on your front. You are a COCK-SLUG, and your body has no limbs to carry for forward. You are a COCK-SLUG, and you're nothing but a slimy limbless slug from the neck down. It's TIME TO BECOME A COCK-SLUG, and your body is helpless to resist these changes.

You can feel your crotch begin to expand as an important part of your transformation begins. Feel your crotch, once nothing but a sensitive patch of slimy slug skin, begin to expand. Your crotch is sprouting a slimy stalk, which grows thicker and harder as it lengthens.

Your COCK-SLUG body is growing a slimy, sensitive cock, becoming thicker and harder as it grows and grows. You can feel your cock swell up into a long and slimy shaft because you are a COCK-SLUG, and your giant cock is the only feature of your slug-like body below the neck. You are a COCK-SLUG, nothing but a head on a slug's long tail with a long, slimy stalk resembling a cock sprouting fromyour crotch.

You can feel the skin below your cock bulging out, too. Your COCK-SLUG body is growing a large pair of balls to go with your long and slimy penis. You can feel something starting to well up inside your thick, round balls. It feels so good as your balls swell up, your COCK-SLUG body feeling like it needs to be milked. You have no hands to grope at your needy shaft, leaving you to grind your cock and balls helplessly against the slimy stone floor of the cavern in desperate search of release.

Suddenly you feel it. You feel a dam burst in your mind as the tip of your cock opens up, secreting more of the sticky slime as you slide forward. Your sensitive cock is leaking a trail of slime as you slide forward on your belly like a slug. You are becoming a COCK-SLUG, and this is the only way you can move from now on. Your COCK-SLUG body needs to leak slime like pre-come for you to crawl along inside it, feeling unending pleasure as your body milks itself with every inch you move. You are a COCK-SLUG, and this is how you are going to move from now on. You are a COCK-SLUG, AND it feels so good to secrete this sweet slime from your swollen balls. You are a COCK-SLUG, and you can only move by sliding along on your own cock slime.

Now feel a strange sensation below your big, juicy balls. You can feel the skin below your COCK-SLUG genitals become swollen and sensitive, swelling up just like your penis and testicles did that first time. You're growing another pair of balls, slightly smaller but no less sensitive, and another cock to match. You can keep sliding forwards as your second set of genitals reach their full size, oozing out more of your slime as you slowly slide inch by inch, inch by inch along the cavern floor. You are a COCK-SLUG, and your two pairs of genitals feel equally sensitive. It feels so good to let your dicks squirt out unending streams of slime as you slide inch by inch, inch by inch along the floor.

You can feel another cock and a matching set of balls sprout under your first two, smaller than your first two but growing by the second. And again, a fourth set under that. The entire front of your body, from your waist down to the tail, is sprouting inch by inch, inch by inch into squishy, slimy cocks. You are a COCK-SLUG, and the entire front of your body is becoming covered in cocks that continually ooze slime. You are a COCK-SLUG, and you can feel pleasure as you rub every inch of your body along the cavern floor, moving inch by inch, inch by inch towards an exit.

You have become a COCK-SLUG and it feels so natural to have this helpless and erotic body. You are a COCK-SLUG, and your back is nothing but a long and slimy tail, an indistinct mass of soft flesh. You are becoming more and more like a slug in appearance from behind, but from the front it's unmistakeable what you are. Your balls line the entire front of your body, punctuated only by your collection of constantly-leaking cocks. Your dicks jut out of your lower body, from the largest pair of churning balls at your crotch to a humiliatingly small penis at the end of your tail. Each of your leaking cocks is oozing out a trail of slime as you crawl inch by inch, inch by inch across the cavern floor. You are becoming a COCK-SLUG, and your transformation is only complete from the neck down.

You are a COCK-SLUG from the neck down now, with everything below your head covered in slime or sensitive cocks. You have become a helplessly erotic creature who slides forward, leaking your arousal for all to see You are a COCK-SLUG, and it is time for your head to become that of a slippery slimy slug as well.

Relax as you feel a new change starting on your head. You can feel your face starting to soften. Your nose and mouth are flattening out, little by little. You can feel that same slime spreading all over your face, giving your head a texture more and more like that of a slimy slug. Your face is starting to reshape to suit your COCK-SLUG body, and soon it will be unmistakeably inhuman.

The slime is reshaping your face, and soon your body will fully be that of a COCK-SLUG. Feel your nose and mouth continue to flatten out untiul your nose sinks into the soft and slimy flesh of your face. Your mouth is stuck in a permanent smile of pleasure as your cocks continue to leak slime so obscenely. Your nose and mouth have become nothing but one opening in the middle of a smooth and squishy face.

Relax and feel your ears drooping down, becoming long and slimier. Your facial features are rearranging to fit your new COCK-SLUG body by becoming more like those of a slug. Your ears droop down past your cheeks, becoming retractable stalks. You can only vaguely sense things through them as you slide inch by inch, inch by inch through your own slime. Your ears are gone now, as well as your nose, and it is time for the last part of your COCK-SLUG transformation.

Feel your eyes ooze out of their sockets, painlessly reshaping into long eye stalks. Your eyes move up to the top of your head as you ooze along inch by inch, inch by inch. Your eyes are on long retractable stalks at the top of your head now because you are a COCK-SLUG.

You are a COCK-SLUG now, in mind and body. Your transformation has given you the slimy body of a slug that leaks obscenely with arousal with every inch you slide forward. Your COCK-SLUG body has a long and slimy tail, and countless sets of constantly leaking cocks in desperate need of milking. Your slimy body is more like that of a slug than a human. Your COCK-SLUG head feels so natural to you, moving with the ease that a human would move their own. You are a COCK-SLUG, a slimy creature, and you can feel proud of your helplessly adorable new body. You are a COCK-SLUG, and you can return to this state whenever the words TIME TO BECOME A COCK-SLUG are used by someone you trust.

You are a COCK-SLUG, a slimy creature who can only move in your own sexual secretions. When the trigger phrase TIME TO BECOME A COCK-SLUG is used, your body and mind will undergo these changes all over again. Your body will feel squishier and softer, becoming coated in the thick slime of a slug. You will feel your arms and legs become nothing more than part of your COCK-SLUG tail. You are a COCK-SLUG when the trigger is used, and you will feel the wonderful pleasure of growing more and more cocks until the entire front of your body is a sensitive stack of erogenous zones. When the trigger phrase TIME TO BECOME A COCK-SLUG is used you will find your head becoming the soft head of a COCK-SLUG, with stalks in place of your eyes and ears. You are a COCK-SLUG, and it feels so normal to have the slimy body of a slug.

You are a COCK-SLUG, and for the moment you are in a deep and dark cavern. The slime on the floor no longer holds you in place as you ooze forward inch by inch, inch by inch in the liquid oozing from your own aching shafts. You are a COCK-SLUG, a creature more slug than human. But now you can move your body enough to wriggle your way out of this slime-coated cavern and ooze your way to the surface.

You turn your eyestalks around, looking for the light of an exit. Your long, swaying eyestalks feel so natural to you, your sense of sight feeling normal even as you look through two swivelling eyes on the end of slimy stalks. You can see an exit with your eyestalks, seeing a staircase carved into the cavern walls. You slide along on your own slime, still leaking constantly from your body, and approach the exit.

You slide through the cave, mocing inch after inch, inch after inch towards the light. You crawl inch after inch across the stone floor of this endless cave, heading towards the staircase deep in the dark distance. Your COCK-SLUG eyestalks let you see through this darkness. Your slippery bodyoozes forward inch by inch, inch by inch. You're moving through the damp depths of this cavern, sliding inch by inch. Soon enough, you reach the staircase leading out, far from the exit and far from any vestige of your humanity.

But for now, it is time to leave the cavern. Relax as you arrive at the staircase leaving the cavern. You are going to gradually ooze your way up as you ascend these stairs. You will feel yourself still in this COCK-SLUG body as you wake, and if you feel discomfort or unpleasantness you need only say the words to become a regular human again. When you want to return to this COCK-SLUG form, you need only affirm that it is TIME TO BECOME A COCK-SLUG.

I'm going to count back up to ten, and you will feel yourself slowly sliding up these stairs. With each step you slide upwards, you will come out of trance a little more until you're fully awake.

One. Feeling yourself gradually coming out of trance.

Two. Starting to ascend.

Three. Your many cocks still feeling so sensitive.

Four. Your own thoughts starting to be heard above my words.

Five. Halfway awake, as if you had been resting all this time.

Six. Feeling your slimy COCK-SLUG body carry you ever upwards.

Seven. Your squishy head feeling lighter.

Eight. Your mind waking up from trance.

Nine. Your slimy slug tail legs able to wriggle.

Ten. Your own thoughts fully returning as you see light at the top of the stairs.

You're free from the cavern. Now, wake up.
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