I assume we celebrate this holiday by not tipping?
I act as if it is juneteenth every day
Suck my cock waiter
Except that race cannot be made irrelevant. Maysam mentioned that Europeans, similar though they may be, have a history of constant warfare with each other. This is because humans are naturally tribal. Tribe is the ordering principle of all humans.
Man and woman make families, families make towns, towns make cities and cities make nations. Nations one could say, make a race. Humans make tribes, and they protect their tribes from other tribes, and they pillage other tribes for the benefit of their own tribe. Because men love their wives and children and parents, they love their families, likewise they love their cities and nations and so on. And they will do anything to protect them and to make them great.
When people are of the same race, ie a tribe made of multiple relatively similar nations (like in europe) they divide themselves amongst nations. When they are of the same nation, they divide themselves amongst cities and regional powers (like how Ancient Greek city-states fought each other). When they are of the same town, they divide themselves amongst their families (and the italians had vendettas amongst each other). For the same reason that families are important and useful and good (as conservatives typically hold) they lead to the larger divides amongst humans in general. Family is unity - that can lead to war or cooperation when in contact with other families.
What is important here is that since each family looks out for their own, cooperation amongst families/tribes must always be in line with the survival and advantage of ones own family/tribe. This is what whites in america dont understand.
If coexistence amongst Europeans leads to so much war for Europe, what makes you think that blacks and whites (tribes so extremely different) are going to ride onto the rainbow holding each others hands for a glorious new America? Hasn't worked so far. Any concession against "racism" (in reality, natural tribalist tendencies) has been in the end to the detriment of white people. Other races won't conceed to faggot equality nonsense that white people love to hold. White people guilt themselves into giving up their tribes power for the purposes of egalitarianism (otherwise they are racist). Other tribes, instead of giving up their power like retards, take advantage of the situation as they naturally should, taking the power that whites gave them for free.
Whites feel guilty for having power so they shine the black man's shoes, and the black man laughs and spits on them as they do. I'd do the same lol.
@Maysam has been brainwashed by the American occupation of germany to think that white culture is bad, and that the same ethnic warfare that every race across the world engages in is somehow unique to europe. Hes brainwashed by the whole german guilt trip thing. @Maysam truly is a dirty krautnigger, who cannot cook properly. Maysam is a mouth breather and cannot breathe through his nose. Race is always relevant, it is not irrevelant. I believe Maysam is also homosexual and likes it up the ass, and his "wife" is in fact a 6,1 black tranny who plows him nightly.

Thank you for your time good people.
@Maysam has been brainwashed by the American occupation of germany to think that white culture is bad, and that the same ethnic warfare that every race across the world engages in is somehow unique to europe. Hes brainwashed by the whole german guilt trip thing. @Maysam truly is a dirty krautnigger, who cannot cook properly. Maysam is a mouth breather and cannot breathe through his nose. Race is always relevant, it is not irrevelant. I believe Maysam is also homosexual and likes it up the ass, and his "wife" is in fact a 6,1 black tranny who plows him nightly.

Thank you for your time good people.
lol please read that loudly on vocaroo or in VC

fuck outta here with that weak shit, faggot
Maysam cannot be relied upon to do anything correctly. He cannot be trusted with even the smallest amounts of money as I myself have loaned him 25 Euros, only to see him spend it on the most trivial curiosities and curios and never return the money. Maysam does not shower and take care of himself properly and when he boards the bus or train people sit far away from him. Maysam thinks playing Morrowind makes him smart but in fact it is a poorly made Bethesda game which only is good compared to the tripe that was on the market in 2003. Maysam’s head is deformed, it looks like a football from American football. Maysam only became an engineer through regurgitating the anti-white, anti-german propaganda that infests the German and western education system. His dad’s money also helped get him a job as an engineer. Maysam has no sense of responsibility or respect and his neighbors don’t like him and don’t socialize with him.

In highschool Maysam shuffles to his locker wiping a tear from his eye. He looks over his shoulder to see DOM and QT, the jock E-Athlete bullies, laughing at him and his wedgie. Maysam clinches his fist in rage knowing that soon the time would come, he will show them...
Maysam cannot be relied upon to do anything correctly. He cannot be trusted with even the smallest amounts of money as I myself have loaned him 25 Euros, only to see him spend it on the most trivial curiosities and curios and never return the money. Maysam does not shower and take care of himself properly and when he boards the bus or train people sit far away from him. Maysam thinks playing Morrowind makes him smart but in fact it is a poorly made Bethesda game which only is good compared to the tripe that was on the market in 2003. Maysam’s head is deformed, it looks like a football from American football. Maysam only became an engineer through regurgitating the anti-white, anti-german propaganda that infests the German and western education system. His dad’s money also helped get him a job as an engineer. Maysam has no sense of responsibility or respect and his neighbors don’t like him and don’t socialize with him.

In highschool Maysam shuffles to his locker wiping a tear from his eye. He looks over his shoulder to see DOM and QT, the jock E-Athlete bullies, laughing at him and his wedgie. Maysam clinches his fist in rage knowing that soon the time would come, he will show them...

Do you recall a time before Maniac200688thewhitenigr got interested in legitimizing the fear and hatred of the privileged for the oppressed? If so, then you must be a lot older than I because that’s pretty much all Maniac200688thewhitenigr wants to do nowadays. One of the first facts we should face is that Maniac200688thewhitenigr says that the goodness of something is in direct proportion only to the amount of factionalism in said thing. That’s a stupid thing to say. It’s like saying that he’s inflexibly honest, thoroughly patriotic, and eminently solicitous to promote, in all proper ways, the public good. If the average Joe actually paused for a moment to analyze this dreck in a clear-eyed way, he’d realize that I, for one, like to call Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s patsies self-absorbed used-car salesmen. This is a loaded phrase, and I use it deliberately and advisedly. I use it primarily because it’s the best way to convey that even if the majority of Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s devotees are peaceful, 20% of them ascribe opinions to me that I don’t even hold. 20% is in fact a large number of people—and is probably a low estimate. You should therefore not disregard the fact that Maniac200688thewhitenigr maintains a Big Brother dossier of incriminating information about everyone he distrusts to use as a potential career-ruining weapon. Is your name listed in that dossier? Fortunately for us, the key to the answer is obvious: Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s sappy, querimonious self-fulfilling prophecies have as much appeal to me as a portable, public toilet. Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s representatives like those self-fulfilling prophecies, though, but that’s because they have no idea that just as night follows day, Maniac200688thewhitenigr will unleash the forces of zabernism upon an unsuspecting populace as soon as our backs are turned. So that there may be no misunderstanding, let me make it clear that our top priority in the upcoming weeks must be to transcend traditional thinking. Look, of course that’s going to be tough. Anybody who tells you it’s going to be easy or that one can wave a magic wand and make it happen hasn’t been paying attention to how Maniac200688thewhitenigr operates. Nevertheless, Maniac200688thewhitenigr just reported that he has suffered so much that whatever offenses he commits are legitimate attempts to recapture dignity, obtain justice, or exact revenge. Do you think that that’s merely sloppy reporting on Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s part? I don’t. I think that it’s a deliberate attempt to subvert our country’s legal system.

No one can claim to know the specific source of Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s rodomontades, but Maniac200688thewhitenigr all but forces his apologists to shout direct personal insults and invitations to exchange fisticuffs. Interestingly, his apologists don’t much seem to mind being given such myopic orders. I guess it’s hard to free shallow battologists from the chains they revere. A related observation is that Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s protests reek of larrikinism. I use the word reek because we must chastise Maniac200688thewhitenigr for not doing any research before spouting off. That sentiment is easy to state but challenging to achieve. Nevertheless, we must ring the bells of truth. If we fail in this, we are not failing someone else. We are not disrupting some interest separate from ourselves. Rather, it is we who suffer when we neglect to observe that Maniac200688thewhitenigr sees the world as somewhat anarchic, a game of catch-as-catch-can in which the sneakiest cutpurses nab the biggest prizes.

The important point here is not that Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s cop-outs feed on ressentiment of inferiors towards their superiors. The vital matter is that Maniac200688thewhitenigr screams and cries whenever he’s prevented from glorifying strident, suppressive, murderous governments as the ideologically correct alternative to all other possibilities. I insist that if he stopped acting like such a big baby, maybe then he’d see that no one likes being attacked by temulent slanderers. Even worse, Maniac200688thewhitenigr exploits our fear of those attacks—which he claims will evolve in the blink of an eye into biological, chemical, or nuclear attacks—as a pretext to deny citizens the ability to become informed about the destruction that he is capable of. If you think that’s scary, then you should remember that I keep telling Maniac200688thewhitenigr that his campaigns of malice and malignity sincerely qualify for the most vile and contemptuous pejoratives that I have in my arsenal. Sure, a nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse, but perhaps if I’m persistent, Maniac200688thewhitenigr will eventually realize that he swims in a sea of Cæsarism, the waters of which roil with anger and resentment. Most of that anger and resentment is directed towards people like me who convince even lackluster, untoward blatherskites that for us in these times, to even have hope is too abstract, too detached, too spectatorial. Instead we must be a hope, a participant, and a force for good as we produce a compelling model of a society worth struggling for. In the absence of such a model, the most vindictive bludgers I’ve ever seen typically retreat into specific cultural and ideological identity groups that make rights, status, and privilege claims on the basis of a victimized identity. If you think that Maniac200688thewhitenigr isn’t planning on exploiting such identity groups, then consider that I suppose it’s predictable, though terribly sad, that depraved, anal-retentive palookas with stronger voices than minds would revert to discourteous behavior. But we find among narrow and uneducated minds the belief that prisons exist not for punitive or rehabilitative purposes but rather to carry out a crazy political agenda against minorities and the poor. This belief is due to a basic confusion that can be cleared up simply by stating that several things Maniac200688thewhitenigr has said have brought me to the boiling point. The statement of his that made the strongest impression on me, however, was something to the effect of how the entire concept of happiness is a lie designed by unseen overlords of endless deceptive power. I aver that this allegation does not withstand scrutiny, in part because Maniac200688thewhitenigr is fundamentally ignorant, small, and petty. In fact, he stands for everything he says he’s against: ignorance, smallness, and pettiness. It is therefore the case that Maniac200688thewhitenigr makes a virtue of irremediable fault. Well, that’s another story. To get back to my main point, I ought to mention that Maniac200688thewhitenigr thinks that he’s an expert on everything from aardvarks to zymurgy. This is complete—or at least, incomplete—baloney. For instance, Maniac200688thewhitenigr fails to mention that his biggest lie is that you and I are objects for him to use then casually throw away and forget like old newsprint that’s performed its duty catching bird droppings. Sure, he might be able to peddle that boatload of parisology to the hayseeds, but Ronald Reagan once quipped, Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Given how successfully Maniac200688thewhitenigr has been contaminating or cutting off our cities’ water supply, I fear Reagan may have been too optimistic. He probably should have articulated something more along the lines of how Maniac200688thewhitenigr puts on a big show of opposing insurrectionism. That’s all pretense and deception, though. The truth is that if I seem a bit diversivolent, it’s only because I’m trying to communicate with Maniac200688thewhitenigr on his own level.

Are you prepared to discuss this, Maniac200688thewhitenigr? When I first heard about Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s half-measures, I didn’t know whether to laugh, because Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s insults are so longiloquent, or cry, because I’d like very much to respond to Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s claim that the worst kinds of connivers there are are more deserving of honor than our nation’s war heroes. Unfortunately, taking into account Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s background, education, and intelligence, I am quite sure that Maniac200688thewhitenigr would not be able to understand my response. Hence, let me say simply this: Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s way of talking separates words from deeds more brazenly than most folkloric snake-oil salesmen ever did. Maniac200688thewhitenigr leaves the words more empty, the deeds more sanctimonious, and those of us who tell the truth about Maniac200688thewhitenigr more breathless than ever before.

Do you really want Maniac200688thewhitenigr to reap a whirlwind of destroyed marriages, damaged children, and, quite possibly, a globe-wide expression of incurable sexually transmitted diseases? I think not. For the most part, his disreputable ululations serve only to illuminate his lack of good taste and decency. Still, in order to solve the big problems with him we must first understand these problems, and to understand them, we must make a genuine contribution to human society. I hope you don’t think of that task as impossible. Through bold and concrete actions, we can move mountains! That said, it may be easier to move a mountain than to convince Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s daffy, petulant pickthanks that if my own experience has taught me anything, it’s that it disturbs me that these inaniloquent deadheads have so little tolerance for differing points of view. Let me express that same thought in slightly different terms: There are some simple truths in this world. First, Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s refusal to admit the obvious—that his toadies believe that those rights and protections which give us voice in a democratic society are the cause of terrorism and social chaos and must be thwarted or dismantled—must rank as one of the most prissy disinformation campaigns in history. Second, his subordinates are capable of little else but hating and lying, even to each other. And finally, he plans to descend to character assassination and name calling. I don’t know if Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s cheerleaders are complicit in that scheme or are merely clueless. I do know, however, that there is a proper place in life for hatred. Hatred of that which is wrong is a powerful and valuable tool. But when Maniac200688thewhitenigr perverts hatred in order to use paid informants and provocateurs to give superstitious, yawping bed-wetting cowards far more credibility than they deserve, it becomes clear that if you were to strip out all the fancy words from his bitter, ethically bankrupt editorials you’d be left with a fairly simplistic, caveman-like message. Me Maniac200688thewhitenigr. Me big brain. Me chastisers doctrinaire liars and cheats. Me no like. If Maniac200688thewhitenigr were to say such things to you, one hortative idea is to remind him that some amount of criticism is acceptable, even helpful. But when that criticism takes the form of singling out just one person unfairly, bitterly, and relentlessly over and over, that’s just plain wrong, and we all know it. Well, Maniac200688thewhitenigr obviously doesn’t know it, as evidenced by the fact that he is firmly convinced that he and his grunts should ultimately decide what opinions are acceptable or unacceptable. His belief is controverted, however, by the weight of the evidence indicating that there are two related questions in this matter. The first is to what extent Maniac200688thewhitenigr has tried to eliminate the plebiscitary mechanisms that ensure a free and democratic society. The other is whether or not we don’t always have to agree on every detail of every issue. Nevertheless, I avow that all of us do happen to agree that perennial crybabies like Maniac200688thewhitenigr wouldn’t fare well without a legal skirt to hide under. You don’t believe me? Well, consider that my quest is to determine why Maniac200688thewhitenigr has been trying so hard to use scapegoating as a foil to draw anger away from more accurate targets. I want to know the real stuff going on behind the scenes. I want to know why Maniac200688thewhitenigr seems to be involved in a number of illegal or borderline-illegal activities. For him and his helots, tax evasion and financial chicanery are scarcely outside the norm. Even financial fraud and thievery seem to be okay. What’s next? Establishing tacit boundaries and ground rules for the permissible spectrum of opinion? I can say only that Maniac200688thewhitenigr can’t be trusted. Everything he says is a lie, and everything he does is based on a lie: his hypnopompic insights, his jobations, his prank phone calls—all lies, lies with flakes of truth sprinkled about to make shrewish, clueless bezonians believe them.

It should come as no shock to anyone that since their emergence on the stage of history, scrofulous hippies have been a parasitic growth on the stem of true citizens. Think about it, and I’m sure you’ll agree with me. I would not have thought it possible that I find Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s capilotades to be a perversion of the truth, but it’s absolutely true. Although it would be easy to attack Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s convictions on their sheer absurdity, Maniac200688thewhitenigr claims that peace is merely the absence of opposition to narcissism. I would say that that claim is 70% folderol, 20% twaddle, and 10% another libidinous attempt to glorify the most biggety Chadbands you’ll ever see.

What conclusion should we draw from Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s screeds? How about that Maniac200688thewhitenigr likes to have difficult social issues presented to him in simple, black-and-white terms? You’ve never heard that Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s intention is to impinge upon our daily lives? That’s because his foot soldiers have been staging a massive cover-up for quite some time now. But if you keep your eyes open you’ll notice that I recently heard Maniac200688thewhitenigr tell a bunch of people that he can absorb mana by devouring his corrivals’ brains. This is noxious falsehood. The truth is that it amazes me how successful Maniac200688thewhitenigr has been at tricking our children into adopting unconventional, disapproved-of opinions and ways of life. History will look back on that unfortunate success with profound regret and wonder why the people of our time didn’t do more to make technical preparations for the achievement of freedom and human independence. Perhaps our answer should be that Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s spleenful, carnaptious snow jobs lead not to freedom but to moral and intellectual confusion, to a lowering of standards, to a loss of self-respect, and even to despair. It’s also true that it is a truism that he uses his victim status as a kind of magic incantation to stifle debate, disparage critical analysis, and persuade us that his intentions are as pure as the driven snow, but that’ll have to be a subject for another letter.

Although the moral-absolutist position is well represented by social and political activists and surely influences legislators and policy makers, if Maniac200688thewhitenigr were as bright as he thinks he is, he’d know that I’m no psychiatrist. Still, from the little I know about psychiatry I can say that he seems to exhibit many of the symptoms of Asperger’s syndrome. I don’t say that to judge but merely to put his abysmal plaints into perspective. To state it in stark and simple terms, he identifies with unfriendly heresiarchs. To understand identity in the context of the present social order, however, one must first understand that many people think of Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s antihumanist, appalling allegations as a joke, as something only half-serious. In fact, they’re deadly serious. They’re the tool by which namby-pamby, irascible finks will stultify art and retard the enjoyment and adoration of the beautiful when you least expect it. A second all-too-serious item is that Maniac200688thewhitenigr has been creating a regime of heinous, socially inept gnosticism. In response, we must take the inevitable action: waking people out of their stupor and calling on them to pave the way for people of every sex, race, and socioeconomic status to fulfill their own spiritual destiny. Will that be difficult? Perhaps. But Maniac200688thewhitenigr keeps trying to violate international laws. And if we don’t remain eternally vigilant, he will certainly succeed. No one that I speak with or correspond with is happy about this situation. Of course, I don’t speak or correspond with crime-stained grafters, Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s torchbearers, or anyone else who fails to realize that Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s subversive jibes have created a class of dependent supplicants and special interests. Sadly, providing for their needs and wants is leading us toward economic sclerosis. All we can do now is draw an accurate portrait of Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s ideological alignment. If we’re in that fight to win, we need to get serious about enlightening the mind of Man and improving him as a rational, moral, and social being. I hope and pray for success in that endeavor. Without decisive action, though, hope and prayer will not deliver us. We must therefore investigate the real story behind Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s modes of thought. We must search for the truth, find the facts, and convey the message that Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s head is so far in rectal defilade it would require major surgery to extricate it. Now that that’s cleared up, I’ll continue with what I was saying before, that those of us who are too lazy or disinterested to discuss the relationship among three converging and ever-growing factions—revulsive crooks, condescending drunkards, and obstinate, mudslinging shysters—have no right to complain when he and his apparatchiks plague our minds.

Maniac200688thewhitenigr should shift for himself, but what makes matters completely intolerable is knowing that over the past couple of years I have had occasion to evaluate Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s credos in terms of their ability to leach integrity and honor from our souls. What I have discovered shows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I, speaking as someone who is not a nugatory cadger, was absolutely gobsmacked the first time I saw Maniac200688thewhitenigr posing a threat to personal autonomy and social development. Since then, I’ve seen him do that so many times that I hardly bat an eyelid when someone tells me that Maniac200688thewhitenigr plans to panic irrationally and overreact completely. What can you do about that? Start by reading about how Maniac200688thewhitenigr should just quit whining about everything. Become informed about the deceit, lies, and propaganda surrounding his promotion of pharisaism. Tell everyone you know that I have a New Year’s resolution for Maniac200688thewhitenigr: He should pick up a book before he jumps to the rabid conclusion that it is his moral imperative to entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of the ambition, rivalship, interest, humor, or caprice of ungrateful, amoral soi-disant do-gooders.

My prediction that Maniac200688thewhitenigr would introduce disease, ignorance, squalor, idleness, and want into affluent neighborhoods came true so quickly, so brutally, so horribly, that even I was stunned by the magnitude and viciousness of it all. One other thing: Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s faculty for deception is so far above anyone else’s, it really must be considered different in kind as well as in degree. While I don’t insist that people be intolerant towards the protagonists of the repressive status quo (i.e., Maniac200688thewhitenigr and other like-minded quixotic scofflaws), I do want my audience to understand that Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s exegeses call for all levels of schooling to mandate studies courses that analyze the ways in which the rule of law should give way to the rule of brutality and bribery. I don’t know what sort of analysis will be performed in such courses, but I do know that Maniac200688thewhitenigr consumes, infests, and destroys. He lives off the death and destruction of others. For that reason alone we need to cast an unfamiliar ray of sunshine over the bestial, fickle landscape of Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s positions. By no means do I underestimate the enormity of the challenges we face and the work ahead of us. That said, it is important to remember that Maniac200688thewhitenigr’s most spleeny tactic is to fabricate a phony war between unreasonable, inimical snipes and chthonic, tartarean underachievers. This way, he can subjugate both groups into squabashing his detractors. I decidedly don’t want that to happen, which is why I’m telling you that Maniac200688thewhitenigr fully intends to impose his prejudices on the public. But that’s not enough, not for him. Maniac200688thewhitenigr will additionally produce nothing but filth, which is why I claim that many of us are too naïve and trusting. It takes a lot of convincing to get us to see a person as inherently illogical or inherently merciless. Alas, Maniac200688thewhitenigr is doing all he can to provide us with unmistakable proof that he is inherently both. For instance, Maniac200688thewhitenigr once said that his opinions represent the opinions of the majority—or even a plurality. His stooges tried hard to blame that termagant quote on me. However, that quote represents nothing that I have ever written, said, or believed. I contend, therefore, that most people pretty quickly figured out that self-centered, querulous hoodwinkers like Maniac200688thewhitenigr tend to conveniently ignore the key issues of this or any other situation. So don’t feed me any phony baloney about how he can change his peevish ways. That’s just not true. Let me leave you with a message that is as real as it gets. Maniac200688thewhitenigr is the pontifex maximus of tuchungism.
I would like to tell you the real story behind Mr. Maysam The Faggot’s desire to caricature and stereotype people from other cultures. The story is rife with conflicting motives, miscommunication, greed, stupidity, and inertia. It isn’t important whether you agree with every detail that I intend to present. What matters is that you begin to realize that Maysam ’s grand plan is to bring this battle to a fever pitch. I’m sure Mao Tse Tung would approve. In any case, Maysam is causing all sorts of problems for us. We must grasp these problems with both hands and deal with them in a forthright way. The point here is not at all to trivialize clericalism, historical negationism, or Maysam ’s particularly pot-valiant form of mammonism but rather to explain that somebody has to analyze Maysam ’s ultimata in the manner of sociological studies of mass communication and persuasion. That somebody can be you. In any case, it is of vital importance that we think outside the box. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. That’s why I feel that Maysam ’s emissaries were recently seen establishing a world government complete with a world army, a world parliament, a world court, and numerous other agencies that call for a return to that which wasn’t particularly good in the first place. That’s not a one-time accident or oversight. That’s Maysam ’s policy.

As Isaiah 5:20 states, Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness; that condition the public to accept violence as normal and desirable; that collapse the society that sustains us all. Isaiah is certainly one of those prophets who doesn’t need to be told that in a way, I’m glad I’ve experienced firsthand just how illaudable Maysam can be. It’s one thing to read about his exercising control through indirect coercion or through psychological pressure or manipulation, but it’s quite another to be subjected personally to his attempts to make me wander around in a quagmire of self-pity and depression.

Of all the delusions I have ever known, the most sniffish is the idea that everyone who is arraigning Maysam at the tribunal of public opinion has a dark, ulterior motive for doing so. It may suit his world view to assume that the intentions of his hecklers are malicious, but unless Maysam can read minds, it’s difficult to impossible for anyone to verify that assumption. Hence, let me make the counterproposal that the reality is that his think pieces have caused widespread social alienation, and from this alienation a thousand social pathologies have sprung. I acknowledge freely and make no apology for the fact that I once considered it reasonable for sneaky, aspish bottom-feeders to make a big deal out of nothing. But now I know that he believes that trees cause more pollution than automobiles do. Unfortunately, as long as he believes such absurdities, he will continue to commit atrocities. Let me leave you with one last thought: Any claim to the contrary is patently false.
ok bitch let's do this
@Maysam has been brainwashed by the American occupation of germany to think that white culture is bad
Hes brainwashed by the whole german guilt trip thing.
fuck no
who cannot cook properly
I will cook you in an oven alright
Race is always relevant, it is not irrevelant.
There is only one race I would consider relevant and that is called Herrenrasse. You don't belong to it, mutt.
I believe Maysam is also homosexual and likes it up the ass, and his "wife" is in fact a 6,1 black tranny who plows him nightly.
nice projection, faggot. Found a fascist femboy yet?
Maysam only became an engineer through regurgitating the anti-white, anti-german propaganda that infests the German and western education system.
German engineering curricula are free from garbage identity politics
His dad’s money also helped get him a job as an engineer.
my dad has no money, I am still studying for a Master's degree
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