
Now I know for sure you're not white.
Your knowledge of hockey comes from Google searches. And you used #s to describe a sport most white ppl are too drunk to math when they watch.

My Caucasian senses tell me you're probably some self hating pajeet.
You seem a bit dense so I'll type slowly. The majority of players on every team in the NHL are Canadians which means they're all essentially Canadian teams. They may play in Tampa but they're a Canadian team.


Ex #1 duelist
My first time going to the south as a kid is unforgettable. I ran into a pimp beating the living shit out of one of his prostitutes in the middle of the night. 10/10 would go again.


edf does not exist YOU ARE HALLUCINATING
That's about right. Ohio is always fucked. Michigan is the vulva/asscheeks of Merica.
wyoming is worse.
but south dakota is worse than wyoming.

but if michigan is the ass
mississippi is the bleeding infected anus of the nation
white, black, they all suck shit weeds there


Driving through Tennesse and Kentucky there were a lot more huge walls of rock than I expected. And this one valley was so big I don't know why I didn't think valleys could be that expansive outside the Alps and Himalayas.
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