Things that piss you off


Leonardo dank Vinci
EDF2 Survivor


Leonardo dank Vinci
EDF2 Survivor


I love Apple products. Also, I am fat and gay.
-People playing country music (can annoy me)
-rural america not having asian stores (a proud example why i hate america in general and why i refuse to live in rural areas, only the city and suburbs.)
-excessively and annoyingly patriotic rednecks.
-piss on toilet seats in public bathrooms.
-excessively, overly, and annoyingly religious people.
-most cults in general
-the faggot in my classroom during the school year that is annoying. (Just seeing him in my sight made me want to beat him to a pulp.)


-rural america not having asian stores (a proud example why i hate america in general and why i refuse to live in rural areas, only the city and suburbs.)
What did you expect from a rural area?
-excessively, overly, and annoyingly religious people
Now this is a hatred I can get behind.


I love Apple products. Also, I am fat and gay.


I love Apple products. Also, I am fat and gay.


I love Apple products. Also, I am fat and gay.
Political campaign ads on YT, like seriously, i dont give a fuck, i need to filter my ads somehow


I love Apple products. Also, I am fat and gay.
Political ads make me wanna stab someone (obviously im not gonna actually stab someone because im not a psychopath)
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