tits or ass

  • tits

    Votes: 16 45.7%
  • ass

    Votes: 19 54.3%

  • Total voters
sex roles do not
Up until this point, I thought you had everyone Astro-TERF'd.
SOMEONE has to be the Man, wear the Pants, and Sign tha damn Chex, even if they look like Pelosi, Harris, AOC or Omar.
I hate it, but these kwazy beeyotches gonna be runnin' every.damn.thing. stateside in less than half a year. I say step up, Baka4Pres 2020 uwu


EDF2 Survivor
water exists and serves a useful purpose to society

sex roles do not
right, because mother nature has had it wrong for millions of years because some karens got pissed off chad wouldnt date them in high school.


EDF2 Survivor
i mean

the aggressive terf thing is perfectly in keeping with the internalized misogyny so frequently on display
I thought it was Narly Lesbian Original Gangsta, but apparently, it's

Abbreviated for "not like other girls". Someone who is NLOG is basically the female equivalent of a neck beard and believe that to make themselves better they need to take others down.
Guy: wow that girls wearing too much make-up
Girl: I would NEVER wear that much, or any at all! I believe in natural beauty unlike the rest of my gender :)))
Guy: take that NLOG bull shit somewhere else
I still think you're a Gnarly Original Gangsta, tho Baka
I dunno about the "L"
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