Call Me Tim

at least he's being a good sport about it! how long were we hearing "IT WAS HER TURN"?


Gets the retards wondering what he means by that. Is he trying to throw the elections or surrender his seat to Harris? A whole new conspiracy theory is probably being circulated among your fellow /pol/tards right now, hurry up and go check.

Yeah only the retards will wonder about that

If you've paid attention at all to the past year of news Joe Biden's brain is moldy and he says retarded shit in public all the time


Karl Marx left his wife and children in poverty
EDF2 Survivor
Show me one

Let’s look closer at the CNN poll. The poll was commissioned by CNN but was conducted by SSRS, “an independent research company.” It wasn’t actually Don Lemon and Jim Acosta on the street corner asking passersby who they favored in the 2020 presidential election.

The poll sample is important. Oversampling Democrats will skew the results in favor of the Democrat candidate. In this poll, 34 percent identified as Democrat while only 26 percent described themselves as Republican, an eight-point difference. Imagine the results if those percentages were flipped.

They also surveyed registered, not likely, voters. Given that only slightly more than half of eligible voters actually voted in the 2016 presidential election, this too is not a representative sample.

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