Dead link

Isnt related to what youre talking about

Let’s look closer at the CNN poll. The poll was commissioned by CNN but was conducted by SSRS, “an independent research company.” It wasn’t actually Don Lemon and Jim Acosta on the street corner asking passersby who they favored in the 2020 presidential election.

The poll sample is important. Oversampling Democrats will skew the results in favor of the Democrat candidate. In this poll, 34 percent identified as Democrat while only 26 percent described themselves as Republican, an eight-point difference. Imagine the results if those percentages were flipped.

They also surveyed registered, not likely, voters. Given that only slightly more than half of eligible voters actually voted in the 2016 presidential election, this too is not a representative sample.

Person writing the article doesnt know what poll weighing is, or more likely, is purposely not talking about it for prop purposes
She's here too.
She got THIS

Mixed up with THAT

Simple mistake, really...
I really question any polls or predictions that have Biden winning Florida

Florida is probably the state that Drumpf has the highest voter enthusiasm, something that Biden does not have in general
Biden can win the election, but only if the Dems cheat. That's why they were so gung-ho about mail-in ballots UNTIL they realized that those ballots can often be lost or take way too long to be counted.

The Dems are in a pickle. If Trum-p wins on Nov. 3, regardless of the margin, the Limpsters will seek to use ballot harvesting and delayed ballot counting to overturn the election. But a clear cut win by Trum-p will make their efforts very difficult. Hence, they now want Dem voters to cast their ballots in-person.

I really question any polls or predictions that have Biden winning Florida

Florida is probably the state that Drumpf has the highest voter enthusiasm, something that Biden does not have in general
Plus, exCubans aren't really into the idea of escaping Communism to only have the country turn communist.
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