No, i meant us politics are gay, also im not a political person
They say Politics is Hollywood for ugly people. I expect to be president some day. I will just blame my ED articles and shameful past on my half oriental ex-girlfriend getting butthurt.

My first act as president will be waging a war on ED to have my articles removed.


EDF2 Survivor
True but misleading.
Try this

Top 25 recipients of dirty jew shekels only 8 are RINO. One has been dead for five years - John McCain.
now lets see who AIPAC donates to.


Karl Marx left his wife and children in poverty
EDF2 Survivor
Texas has fallen. America is dead. Before anyone screeches about Pooper in Cheif Biden or MayIasskiss being responsible for this, I'm looking right at you you withered old fat broke ugly trannie @Quence , Gov. Abbot is a "republican" and he has a majority republican state legislature.

In stead of deporting immediately, they bussed them to northern cities. They contributed to the dispersion of illegals.
This is by design. They are the controlled opposition.

Oh Tiny Tim, you’re a day late and a dollar short (to buy your favourite Happy Meal at McD’s). Anyone with half a brain has known about Abbott for several years and the fact he’s all hat and no cattle.

But here’s the thing: even if Abbott wanted to, he can’t legally deport the filthy spics. Immigration and border security are the exclusive purview of the federal government. They’ve even gone to court over it and states cannot bogart the duties of the federal government.

But Abbott could do other things such as declaring a statewide emergency and that would give him powers to do something such as activating the Texas national guard.

My little pixie-like friend, there’s something YOU can do to help Texas. Head to the Texas border, hide underneath a 4-leaf clover, and jump out with your bb gun and scare the Mexican’ts back over the border! That would be some real hero shyte right there even if it comes in a very small package.
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Call Me Tim

I'm a stupid withered old trannie pretending to be a 19 year old woman. I am an idiot thinking that anyone is fooled.
You're so goddamn stupid. Does it hurt?
But here’s the thing: even if Abbott wanted to, he can’t legally deport the filthy spics. Immigration and border security are the exclusive purview of the federal government. They’ve even gone to court over it and states cannot bogart the duties of the federal government.
The SCOTUS lifted the stay in March, you stupid cunt.
But Abbott could do other things such as declaring a statewide emergency and that would give him powers to do something such as activating the Texas national guard.
He already did. He did this in 2021. Operation Lone Star.
Fuck all you're stupid enough to be a model, but that doesn't make you a model.
Deranged nonsense from a fat mentally ill autist.
Post address so I can end your misery.

Call Me Tim

now lets see who AIPAC donates to.
Take a gander. You're be stunned on how much money the israelis are pouring into the Federal US government. There are smaller pro-heeb organizations which concentrate on state and local elections. To be honest, it's a great return on their investment. Da Jooz get money from the cucked US. They take a tiny fraction of that money to buy US politicians, to ensure the money tap doen't get turned off, (recently it got cranked up just gave them 14B in an aid package ON TOP of what we give them annually 4-12B a year. What we give them is about 16% of their total budget. Officially the US has given Joo-land over 300B, I'm willing to bet that number is twice that when you include "black ops" money from the CIA/State Dept) The cost to the US tax payer is estimated well over a trillion dollars. We're borrowing money to give to them. (Not to mention that now we are giving billions of dollars to ISIS and the Taliban every fucking year.)

Joo bonus: They can force the US to fight their wars for them, which, it's looking that we're going to have to do. They already automated the selection portion of the draft, all they have to do is put forth a bill activating a service draft. Imagine all these avacado toast motherfuckers trying to play GI Joe. There are some influencers which are openly stating they'll go to prison rather than go.

And considering that now the MIC is running US wars and foreign policy, we can expect another "forever war" of at least 15-20 years. Which means your kids 8 or 9? are going to be in that conflict.

And when they run out of them -- how comfortable do you feel about your first combat deployment at 50+?
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Call Me Tim

View attachment 17089

Oh shit...

This isn't good for a few people on here.

They are in the process of changing this.
They'll restrict males to combat arms, but they also include women in "technically" not combat arms, like intelligence, motorpool, medical, office staff, logistics, etc., just like Ukraine. They technically won't be on the front but if your post is 3-5 km from the front, you are on the front.

I served with the MEU and several female marines were turned into gunners on convoy vehicles. It happens all the time.


Karl Marx left his wife and children in poverty
EDF2 Survivor
The SCOTUS lifted the stay in March, you stupid cunt.

OMG, are you really that clueless or are you being intentionally stupid? SCOTUS’ decision was almost immediately stayed on appeal by the 5th circuit. Your article was from November, but there is an article literally from the same news service in March that provides the truth.

He already did. He did this in 2021. Operation Lone Star.
You moron! That was Abbott’s frigging shuttle service that sent sh*tskins to a bunch of sanctuary cities. Was the Texas national guard deployed to the border to keep the filthy turd worlders out? Hell no!

Look, if you insist on being so utterly vapid, try to avoid doing it PUBLICLY. That advice is free of charge. You’re welcome, Tiny Tim!


EDF2 Survivor
Take a gander. You're be stunned on how much money the israelis are pouring into the Federal US government. There are smaller pro-heeb organizations which concentrate on state and local elections. To be honest, it's a great return on their investment. Da Jooz get money from the cucked US. They take a tiny fraction of that money to buy US politicians, to ensure the money tap doen't get turned off, (recently it got cranked up just gave them 14B in an aid package ON TOP of what we give them annually 4-12B a year. What we give them is about 16% of their total budget. Officially the US has given Joo-land over 300B, I'm willing to bet that number is twice that when you include "black ops" money from the CIA/State Dept) The cost to the US tax payer is estimated well over a trillion dollars. We're borrowing money to give to them. (Not to mention that now we are giving billions of dollars to ISIS and the Taliban every fucking year.)
View attachment 17088

Joo bonus: They can force the US to fight their wars for them, which, it's looking that we're going to have to do. They already automated the selection portion of the draft, all they have to do is put forth a bill activating a service draft. Imagine all these avacado toast motherfuckers trying to play GI Joe. There are some influencers which are openly stating they'll go to prison rather than go.

And considering that now the MIC is running US wars and foreign policy, we can expect another "forever war" of at least 15-20 years. Which means your kids 8 or 9? are going to be in that conflict.

And when they run out of them -- how comfortable do you feel about your first combat deployment at 50+?
i already knew how much free gibs (((greatest ally))) gets and how much influence they have over the US. iirc, at one point 2/3rds of congress members had dual citizenship with israel.


in all fairness, don is just trying to show how he loves black people more than joe.

Pretty sure he showed his appreciation for black people when he instructed his minions not to rent out property to black people in NY and got sued for it, with repeats in the 80s and 90s.
And the whole Central Park Five thing.
Broadly insinuating that indians (feather not dot) were black and therefore should not be afforded tribal rights.
Not to mention that whole birther thing around Obama, which was kind of ridiculous - especially since he didn't play up the fact that Ted Cruz was born in Alberta Canada and was a Canadian citizen up til 2014, so apparently not that important.
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