Crook County hasn't changed. Good times.
Sure you remember Operation Greylord.
This faggot Judge should not have been on the case.
He kept disregarding me, wouldn't hear preliminary motions because I'm not a lawyer.
I go into his background (1) Army Lt. (Vietnam) (2) Former Cop and (3) former prosecutor. Saw him laughing while ordering someone arrested on an outstanding warrant.
So in Cook County we have a LAW called a Substitution of Judge as a Matter of Right (SoJ). Any party can request one substitution prior to trial for no reason.
I file it, and knew he would deny it because he is a faggot. I get there, he tells me I have to give him 30 days notice. Told him that's not in the statute and I had case law in my hands that shows I can file it anytime prior to a hearing. Tells me "Well, you have to give me 30 days anyway". I said, I filed it 40 days ago.
He looks at the docket and says "but you withdrew it and refiled it". I tell him "Yeah, because you weren't there that day".
"Oh, well you wanted to have a hearing for a while now" and continues sitting on the case in violation of the law.
I won the case against this person's lawyer. I showed they filed for an order of protection because I had sued them (and won) in small claims court and this was retaliatory.
After the trial I saw the faggot lawyer talk with a Deputy and go back into the courtroom. A week later I get put on leave for harassing a Judge. But they didn't tell me what it was really for even after I got shit canned. It would be years before I got his telephone records. Only his son and a book publishing company that published his books (Author Solutions) called him. He retired right after he made his complaint and the investigators interviewed him.
I wasn't fired for that directly. They made up some shit that my convictions (which they knew about when they hired me) were a "felony" thus I "lied" on my application for not checking that box. Military doesn't have felonies.
So on appeal they came up with a different reason, that I did not fully cooperate in the investigation by not telling them I had two court-martial. And that's all they need to fire me.