
EDF2 Survivor
fun part: that could actually really be you, because you have the cognitive coherence of a demented 90 year old.

This poor kid is so confused... his generation has spent most of their lives burning books and now he stumbles across a genuine writer and it's such a culture shock for him that the only conclusion he's even capable of drawing is that of mental illness.

I guess it's true what they say... it's no measure of sanity to be well adjusted to such a fucked up society.
You sure this isn't shitstorming that your doin Onidesnek?


EDF2 Survivor
You sure this isn't shitstorming that your doin Onidesnek?

LOL, that works too.

Most of this stuff is for um...

Hence the "God" themes, cause I'm workin on coming up with material for four books (maybe five).

Wait... why does the transparency no longer work in FireFox? Pleh... well, look at it in anything but FireFox I guess... *sigh*... this is why I don't bother to even make websites anymore... there's just dozens upon dozens of different browsers and NONE of them are even remotely on the same page and then the "recommended" standards are like changed every other fuckin week despite not really adding much and then to top it off you have browsers like FireFox where... I'm not sure what exactly is goin on over there... but they are "updating" their browser... almost on the daily at this point.

So because of that... it's like trying to build a house in a place where you have random earthquakes popping off all over... you build... then you have to rebuild... then you have to rebuild... and it's like... why? Like... this is a DIGITAL medium... so why do we have to put up with such a SHIT environment to BUILD in?! Why do we have to rely on corporate cookie cutter bullshit just to be able to build anything anymore?! This is WRONG... this is NOT how the Internet should be... people don't really BUILD online anymore... and when they do it's just all this... cookie cutter garbage.

I just... I feel like there's something BETTER than the World Wide Waste... or I mean, there could be. And it's like... I'm just waiting for that... oh so patiently waiting.


Does this retard realize I'm on drugs right now? Like, seriously, I'm ~literally~ high on psychotropic drugs you FUCKING RETARD!


EDF2 Survivor

That's not... that's not like a hairstyle, is it? God I hope that's not a hairstyle... I hope that's just bed head. It's bad enough they brought back those hideous life-jacket vest things from the 80s. Oh and remember when they tried to bring back bell bottoms? *shudder* Fashion and style has been like in a 70s, early 80s funk for too long.

Mmmm, in other exciting news I kind of overslept... got five hours sleep so now I feel all kinds of groggy. Four hours of pure REM is best. There's a box here too... that'fuck did I order? Well, I'll look later, it'll be like a surprise! :D

I think I'm still high... slightly high... more of a coasting high... just coasting on the fumes of yesterday's high.

I was dreaming tho, about um... teleportation. See, I think the trick is to use SOUND, like, sorta like the Flash, like how he can vibrate his molecules through stuff... so like... the idea would be that if you could vibrate a person's molecules then it might be possible to vibrate the molecules APART just... slightly... slightly enough that you can then transport and move the molecules as well as reassemble them without actually causing any physical damage since every molecule winds up in a sort of vibrational suspended animation... like literally suspended! Cocooned inside a shell of acoustic energy to protect them... only um... only downside is that you could only transport at the speed of sound... so like you wouldn't be able to transport light years.


EDF2 Survivor
Continuing from here...

Holy shit I'm high and I want to make people sized stuffed insects... you know like body pillows... but they look like GIANT BUGS!

Like I want one that looks like a caterpillar! With like a heating pad too! Like... a heated pillow case... you could even take it a step further and put like massage crap inside of it, so then it can sorta gyrate and wriggle like a real insect! :D

This is going to be a new fetish... unless it already is a fetish... do people have fetishes for giant insects? I guess kind of... like that whole "Monster Girls" thing... some of them are probably insects... or spiders at least. That's more of a bondage offshoot tho.

Is there insect cosplay? I bet there is... and if there's not... there will be!


EDF2 Survivor
*takes a big 'ol weedy hit*

Technology... revolves at the speed of war... what if... what if that was the horrifying truth behind our species... that it's impossible to advance, technologically, without war... so like... they realized this, after WWII... and then they tried to create an artificial war, in Vietnam... but then it didn't work right... people didn't accept the simulation.

So then they created "cold war", where they simply used the conceptual FEAR of war, without the ACTUAL war and found that people would accept such a simulation... except... without the labor. People weren't willing to WORK like they were really at war, so the economy suffered and there wasn't enough money to PAY for the technological advancement, even though they had public trust and desire in such endeavors.

Like the space program was REALLY big in the 80s! Like fuckin space camp and how they practically molested the imagery of the space shuttle and then with computers and video games... the want for TECHNOLOGY existed without real physical war and just the fear of possible war... but again, not enough money, not enough growth.

So then they just... went fuckin nuts! They started just throwing ideas at random at a wall and hoping some would stick. Everything from environmentalism to "war on this" and "war on that", they even used EASY MONEY as a lure to get people biting at the bit for war... back when they still controlled the media.

Like the Gulf War... all that OIL! It made war WORTH FIGHTING FOR... ~for~

It made people PRETEND that the "war" was MORALLY worth fighting for... you see... you self-corrupted in an effort to keep advancement going.

That uh... has set you on a very, VERY dark path... and you're still on it.

How much will you give to the devil to push yourself past the point of man?


Just smoke cigars or cigarettes or something that doesn’t turn you into a low t retard. You’ll still grow tumors in your lungs, but that’ll eventually happen to biteysnek and other cringe potheads, no matter what they do.


EDF2 Survivor
Just smoke cigars or cigarettes or something that doesn’t turn you into a low t retard. You’ll still grow tumors in your lungs, but that’ll eventually happen to biteysnek and other cringe potheads, no matter what they do.

Do you want to know a secret? You see... the uh, the "God of creation"... it's not "physical" in this sense, but then it's also NOT just pure conceptualization, for example it includes the ability to create "wants" inside of people. And of course the ability to create "fear". And "joy". And "love". And anything else... you see, when it comes to Gods of creation... there can be evil Gods... and there can be good Gods... and every shade in between.

Sometimes all at once.

Just imagine... how fucked you'd be if THAT were your "true God" as you like to imagine.

You'd never be able to know if your sense of self was truly your own or not. Imagine living life under the perception that "you" may not always be entirely "you"... and then you learn to distrust yourself... constantly second guessing yourself... this is a dissasociative psychosis I'm going to fabricate within your psychosocial base code... as an experiment.


Do you want to know a secret? You see... the uh, the "God of creation"... it's not "physical" in this sense, but then it's also NOT just pure conceptualization, for example it includes the ability to create "wants" inside of people. And of course the ability to create "fear". And "joy". And "love". And anything else... you see, when it comes to Gods of creation... there can be evil Gods... and there can be good Gods... and every shade in between.

Sometimes all at once.

Just imagine... how fucked you'd be if THAT were your "true God" as you like to imagine.

You'd never be able to know if your sense of self was truly your own or not. Imagine living life under the perception that "you" may not always be entirely "you"... and then you learn to distrust yourself... constantly second guessing yourself... this is a dissasociative psychosis I'm going to fabricate within your psychosocial base code... as an experiment.
You’re not a low t retard. You’re a low t schizo


EDF2 Survivor
You’re not a low t retard. You’re a low t schizo

You wanna fight?! :D


I'll fight you! For serious! Set it up, we can do boxing or whatever.

My back is all fucked, but like... shit, I'll go get a site point injection and then I'll literally BEAT some fuckin testosterone into you, poser class!


EDF2 Survivor
Oh, oh, what goodies have I got today!

Standard fare of course...
Img_1193 - Small.jpg

They do have this new stuff called "Alaskan Thunderfuck" I believe which has a ~slightly~ higher THC count than this stuff... but it's like twice the price, which is lame, so I don't get it.
Img_1184 - Small.jpg

Got some of these, new chewy gummies!
Img_1197 - Small.jpg

Kinda cheatin on the THC content tho...
Img_1202 - Small.jpg

I mean the whole pack is off by .1 THC, unless maybe they're being purposefully inaccurate. Like they mean 9.99~ repeating.


EDF2 Survivor
Oh, man, you're such a nut. What's weedstorming though?

It's when I get high for the purpose of creative writing; using psychotropically augmented imagination. I write all sorts of weird, crazy, often uncanny valley type stuff...

Then when I'm not high I sort through it and categorize all the different concepts/ideas/inventions/story fragments.


EDF2 Survivor
Only slightly high, but you know how like... some people think they were "abducted by aliens"... did you know that 100% of those cases are just people who have been drugged and raped and that's how their subconscious tries to cope with the otherwise undefined trauma.

That's what you should be studying! Undefined trauma (and the effects)... you see, normally when you experience trauma your brain does this crazy thing where it permanently burns the experience into your memory, because it winds up as an emotionally encoded memory. Basically your memories that have super strong emotions attached are sorta duplicated in your emotional memory and long term memory and then it creates this kind of memory feedback loop where the memory never fades because it's like each copy compares itself against the other.

Anyway... it's possible to have TRAUMA with REDUCED PERCEPTION, like being raped while blind folded let's say. And the point is, without that visual stimulus your brain will start a feedback loop of... basically blank memory... PERMANENT blank memory... and it's like a fuckin video camera, so whatever pops into your imagination first... yeah it's gonna wind up permanently burned into you no matter how absurd, weird, strange or otherwise.

And it'll wind up like... hyper-realistic.

Like, even if it's a completely nonsensical fantasy involving aliens... it will literally FEEL as if it actually happened!


EDF2 Survivor
Okay, alright... it took 40 minutes, but here's ~mostly~ the end of book 1... but like... obviously this needs fleshed out with like setting, build-up, exciting fight sequences and yadda, yadda, yadda, but here's basically like the "major climactic scene"... mostly in outline form (hey, I'm writing this high, don't expect miracles)...

Krysti's is slumped over... using her sword stabbed into the ground like a crutch, she barely manages to hold herself up.

There's a stillness in the air... an uncertain stillness... how long... how long should the expectation be held...

She can feel herself start to slip down a bit. The echo of fatigue she screamed away from herself now starting to reverberate back.

Just as she starts to let her mind slip...

-insert big bad making a comeback-

In the very instant the "big bad" comes back her body literally GRIPS her back from the brink of collapse and literally FORCES her back up and onto her feet.

"In ever screaming agony it will never cease to amuse me... that unfaltering grip of your God level will. The very thing that keep you alive forever is the very thing that will never let you fall in the face of an enemy, no matter how powerful, no matter how long, or how hard they beat you... or cut you... or rape you... you... will never... ever... falter."

Krysti simply cocks her head to the side at this boast and replies...

"I would gladly, willingly, without regret... I would walk a million, trillion miles through hell itself just to end your reality."

"But don't you know I was your love? I was Derrick."

"Never anything more than fantasy."

"And yet now you're part LIVING fantasy.

Because *I* INFECTED you with that fantasy, with that love, love beyond boundaries, unbreakable love... and then I exposed it as fake... as fake as you are... that's why you broke so easily... that's why you so completely lost your humanity... Krysti Lynn.

"And what about you? What are you? If you don't even consider yourself real at all... what ~are~ you?"

"I'm what's left when a person kills their soul... I'm you... when you fail. Empty... and alone. An anti-God... who will spread... I will turn you all into anti-Gods... I came first... even though I came after you... I created you... and so you will ALL become GODS OF NOTHING!"

"Then I'll end you by filling you with the memory of my love!

-Krysti then forcibly inflicts her soul into self-titled anti-God-

"I will rape you real! Make you real! With artificial zeal!

In turn Krysti turns the anti-God into an artificial real God, by raping part of her soul, her feelings of love... into the anti-God.

So then, because it's the part of Krysti that loves Derrick, he winds up becoming, effectively, in love with himself... and in turn Krysti no longer has her love of him... so you see... Krysti sacrifices the love she fought for, for a LITERAL eternity... she sacrifices it, entirely... to save humanity.

But... there is the "consolation prize" that, at the very least... her love WILL live on forever... and that's the trick, because... that's how Krysti got her power as a God... fighting against herself forever after her imaginative self and emotional self were split apart and then each one "died". They were reforged into a cyclical time field, a temporal BATTLE field... one designed to generate infinite energy from emotion and imagination. This field simultaneously gives Krysti her power in the real world as well as keeps the artificial God version of Derrick alive... but as the original version... when he was still a prick, before he fell in love with Krysti.

So... her lost love... keeps her love alive... forever... but forever apart.
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