Welcome to Dramatica Zoo

Probably driving the last nail into EDF's coffin here but whatever. For now @hypeshot @Duke of Nimonia @Magalicious @EnemyOfTheLulz @MurderGuaranteed @Retarded_FAG are confined to here and Nobody Cares. I obviously unbanned all of them too. If I fucked up anything else, let me know.
Jesus H. Christ, it’s the guy with absolutely no life outside of this board once again wrecking the board with his inability to emotionally handle posts he doesn’t agree with.

Why on Trump's hairy asshole would @Magalicious get siloed into just 2 threads? The guy doesn’t post very often. Oh that’s right, he sometimes posts stuff that hurts the tender fweelings of our resident depressed and cucked Kraut. Typical Leftist eurofaggotry behaviour.

If certain posts make you feel bad and get your panties in a bunch, there’s this incredible new invention that will take the pain away: THE IGNORE BUTTON
*his, fuck all this admin abuse, at least allow me to edit my posts incase if i made a typo, jesus christ.
I'm not joking
Jesus H. Christ, it’s the guy with absolutely no life outside of this board once again wrecking the board with his inability to emotionally handle posts he doesn’t agree with.

Why on Trump's hairy asshole would @Magalicious get siloed into just 2 threads? The guy doesn’t post very often. Oh that’s right, he sometimes posts stuff that hurts the tender fweelings of our resident depressed and cucked Kraut. Typical Leftist eurofaggotry behaviour.

If certain posts make you feel bad and get your panties in a bunch, there’s this incredible new invention that will take the pain away: THE IGNORE BUTTON
If this were about my feelings you would already have a pink name and Magalicious every last post purged. With the new solution even magalicious can now post within 2 subforums and you are still free.

You on the other hand seem to be quite attached to your socks. Knitted them yourself grandma?
If this were about my feelings you would already have a pink name and Magalicious every last post purged. With the new solution even magalicious can now post within 2 subforums and you are still free.

You on the other hand seem to be quite attached to your socks. Knitted them yourself grandma?
Of course it’s about your tender feelings. It’s ALWAYS about your feelings when you suddenly start engaging in moderator fuckery with posts/threads that are not spam, do not violate EDF ToS, but DO hold viewpoints that you disagree with.

What the ever living fuck is wrong with you? If certain words and ideas bother you that much, simply STOP READING THOSE THREADS. But don’t ruin the board for other people you incredibly butthurt and triggered asshole.
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