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No fair i wanted to see you kick moonfag's ass
All moonrunes has to do is belly flop on the concrete and Zander is fucked (his weight will cause a small earthquake)
All moonrunes has to do is belly flop on the concrete and Zander is fucked (his weight will cause a small earthquake)
good luck getting that blob above ground level.
Im not even that big you spergs so it would be easy to run from one end of a room to the other

"Hi Moonrunes. I'm gonna kick your butt."
Of course it’s about your tender feelings. It’s ALWAYS about your feelings when you suddenly start engaging in moderator fuckery with posts/threads that are not spam, do not violate EDF ToS, but DO hold viewpoints that you disagree with.

What the ever living fuck is wrong with you? If certain words and ideas bother you that much, simply STOP READING THOSE THREADS. But don’t ruin the board for other people you incredibly butthurt and triggered asshole.
so I take it you don't like @Magalicious new avatar? Sad, many such cases :(
so I take it you don't like @Magalicious new avatar? Sad, many such cases :(
I haven’t seen it but if you’re changing other people’s avatars without their permission it is more proof that you don’t have the temperament and emotional stability to be a Mod.

You have become just as damaging to the board as the spammers.

Why is it that the people who end up being Mods are almost always so shitty at it?
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