what was your most recent purchase?

why? have you ever even seen that cartoon?
Yes, I used to watch The Fairly OddParents when it was airing on Nicktoons when I was younger back in like 2016 - 2018 or so, sad that the creator, Butch Hartman, got a bit of a bad reputation for plagerism as far as I remember?

also, he did a collab series with one of those slop YouTube kids channels, HobbyKidsTV, called HobbyKids Adventures... also the kids of that reminded me of the victims of the Doerman shooting
This lightsaber looks epic at night, even though its a hasbro lightsaber that isnt fully retractable. (I actually got this off the Galactic black market for 500 credits. Im a jedi, just with a red lightsaber to look cool.)
those funky scrubdaddy sponges were on sale at lidl and for a "viral product" that's been shilled all over the internet it's actually pretty good been scrubbing my pots and pans with it today i'm actually excited to get them dirty so i can scrub them again
what have i become
As far as I've heard they are meh at the price they are going for (3-5€) and I'm probably too old to understand why fucking kitchen sponges go viral.
I just use cheap store brand kitchen scrubbing sponges that cost a euro per 10pack, or use coarse nylon sanding sheets. If that doesn't help I just apply enough fire to the pans that anything not part of the iron burns away, then blast it with the turbo nozzles.
Bought four bottles of German white wine, a blood sugar monitor for my yearly checkup, and a fucking overpriced toy owl that now sits in a giftwrapped box hooting to itself at semi random intervals.
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