When MOAR Middle East War Peens? Soon.

I am.
The guide says if you dont have the proper documentation you will have to cross the border illegally.
If you don't have the proper documentation you will have to cross the border illegally.
... don't have the proper documentation you will have to cross the border illegally.
... you will have to cross the border illegally.
... cross the border illegally.
... illegally.

That's like the State of Colorado putting out a pamplet that says, "If you don't have the proper permits, you would have to grow pot illegally."
Can't do it in one term of one president that's true. But it can be reversed.
part of the problem is that presidential terms are broken down to 4-year terms with a max of 2 terms (8-year max for any modern president). considering that election campaigns begin to ramp up around midterms, that only gives a president at most 2 years to focus primarily on doing his job. meanwhile, PMs tend to get 5 or 6 year terms and the chinese president (normally) gets 10-year terms. in comparison it makes both US foreign and domestic policy decisions look schizophrenic, at best.


then again, POTUS doesnt really have any power, does he? most of the real decisions are made by old guys with little hats sitting on piles of gold behind closed doors.
lol how exactly do you think thats going to happen
In some aspects it has under Trump. The Merican insane desire to transform into a totalitarian, yet somehow altruistic and free state is insane. It cannot happen. It's the basic premise behind, "real socialism/communism was never tried." For some reason these morons think that a totalitarian government under leaders they choose will be better than all the other ones who took power. Which is why many on my side of the aisle, point to Chavez and Maduro, because nothing is different.

Mitt said these people, the resistance, are 47% of the population. They comprise of three groups: The political elite group which want to guarantee their way of life is uninterrupted, the militant wing because they want to destroy/kill people and the supporting masses.
I speculate it's now at the level which voted for Hillary. A slight majority of the population. But, when these people are hit in the face with the reality of what that means, ie Seattle, NYC, Chicago, and other progressive bastions, they are now not so enthusiastic. The trend is now they are leaning towards many of the things republicans and conservatives tout when they suddenly realize they are abandoned by their former "beloved" liberal/progressive leaders: individualism, self-determination and self-reliance. Only the most dedicated ideologues continue the stampede towards the cliff of totalitarianism.

This doesn't mean they like Trump. In spite the fact of them doing and feeling exactly what Trump says in his speeches. They are starting to realize that perhaps they hate the messenger, but now are hearing the message.

The "resistance" is largely comprised of three main groups: the leadership, ie the elected officials and elite which will be at the pinnacle of power if the system is implemented; the militant wing, BLM, Redneck Revolt, John Brown Gun Club, ANTIFAggot, Blac Bloc, etc these are your storm troopers to quell any resistance with firearms or other forms of violence, they secure the parameter of any "seized" or "won" territory; and of course the overwhelming majority which doesn't partake in the militant stuff but only agrees with it in part or perhaps in whole the political aspect. It is the largest body which is deteriorating because they are directly suffering. It's to the point where they are seeing first hand that the "utopia" they want is at best, the same as the old system and in many aspects far worse.

No one is going to flip in the elite political group. No one is going to flip in the militant group. People are starting to flip in the group that gives them political power, the supportive masses.
is it trumps fault that crazy people hate him? no. is he doing anything about it? beyond waving a few rainbow flags and sucking bibi's draedel, sure doesn't look like it. is there anything he CAN do about it?
Not legally, and it proves my point

The US is finished, the country is destabilising, and doing so at an accelerated rate
View attachment 2595

Yeah ifs getting so much better under Drumpf
And as usual, you have no idea what you are talking about.

This is the VA Commonwealth Sen.

The 18th is her district.


Portsmouth has a majority black population but see were it has that weird bulge into 13, thats the Suffolk, a historically black city is the highest density of Suffolk population. Take a guess what the primary race resides there. Take a wild guess what the average level of completed education is. I think the average income for a family of four there is like 28K. Blue oval is where the middle income blacks live, and whites and other races that can't live in Norfolk, VA beach or Chesapeake. To live in Suffolk it's about 70-100K less for the same type of house anywhere else, except Va Beach.

It's not a surprise that she wants to tear shit down. She's energizing her base. Washington St., the road that runs between the two ovals is where 80% of all the murders happen in Suffolk. "hate YT," is a way of life there, along with that weird little hook into Norfolk.

VA has been steadily turning crazy blue since Doug Wilder was elected governor. Northern VA is trying to be some sort of weird political hybrid of NY and San Fran. Woodbridge, which is on the outskirts of Northern VA has elected it's first trannie rep back in 2016(?)

So the only people surprised by this are people who don't know the political landscape. Va Politics makes the shit that Trump is going through look like Preschool Sunday school.
If Biden wins then I'll agree. if Trump wins re=election I don't know if the country will turn, but it will stop the fucktardary for a while.
I'm sure Biden will have a tragic accident that will incapacitate him before the inauguration. The question is, who does kamala pick as VP?
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