Chinese Hegemony

Call Me Tim

It would just cause more confusion with the tards.
"Buh Buh Burnie got more popular votes and didn't get any electoral votes and there should be a run off between Bernie Soviet and Trump. "

And shit like that. It's amazing how fucking clueless these retards are.

AmbrJones Wickenshire

EDF2 Survivor
I'm putting 20 Zimbabwe fun bucks on Taiwan in the event China invades.


I can confirm OP's post regarding the situation in Greece. The Chinese have dominated the local real estate market for the past 5-7 years, taking full advantage of the economic crisis the country went through. They were also allowed by the government to infiltrate the docks to a great extent.

During the early stages of the pandemic, when the shit hit Europe and everybody was (rightly) blaming China for what was happenning in northern Italy, I remember various Chinese ambassadors to European countries donating masks to the local governments. The amount of good press these "gestures of goodwill" managed to garner was ridiculous and suggests that the red influence extends to the media as well.

Another example of this is the open hostility towards the US government in the European press. I mean, Trump has never been well-liked in Europe since he preaches American exceptionalism with every breath he takes but it wasn't until he (rightly) began blaming the Chinese and WHO for the uncontrollable spread of the virus that he became almost universally hated by nearly every single major news outlet in Europe. I swear, it's almost as if the Italians who were royally fucked by the corona get more offended by the term "chinese virus" than the Chinese themselves.


China have been trying very hard to give South Pacific (our territory) nations "loans"

you know, the ones where they obviously cant pay it back so China will forgive the debt if in return they can build naval bases on their islands

got to the point that the Australian government effectively said they would go to war with China if they attempted to build a base in Vanuatu
I think it would be easier to make a list of sports-entertainment institutions that have not been crushed and spoon fed to he masses by the chinese than those that have, "everyone is on their payroll"

Call Me Tim

Apart from the is a legitimate political organisation with its own private army more powerful than the military of most countries, the other is an annoying warlord group
That's due to which each faction gets their money. Their goals are the same, the destruction of Israel. Not seeing a big difference really.
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