Chinese Hegemony

Call Me Tim

here we have yet another case of you arguing about nothing because yet again you fail to read what was said in simple english
You literally brought into a nonfactor and wildly speculative conclusion into the conversation. I refuted that aspect and that aspect only. Now you once again are butthurt.


You literally brought into a nonfactor and wildly speculative conclusion into the conversation. I refuted that aspect and that aspect only. Now you once again are butthurt.
i said the reports of the plane being shot down was fake news being spread by indians on twitter

you started talking about china and indias border dispute

yet im the one that "literally brought into a nonfactor and wildly speculative conclusion into the conversation"

Call Me Tim


Call Me Tim

i said the reports of the plane being shot down was fake news being spread by indians on twitter

you started talking about china and indias border dispute

yet im the one that "literally brought into a nonfactor and wildly speculative conclusion into the conversation"
There is no reason for India to do so. None. Unlike you, the Indian government has pride and a shittone of it. They wouldn't make a wild suggestion for help when they been beating back the Chinese at their border. Historically, India doesn't cry wolf.

The benefactor of the "Taiwan shot first," is literally China. I would start there. Considering China has had a massive propaganda campaign ever since Trump was elected I would suspect them first. However, since most of these Taiwan kill reports cannot be verified, most people would come to the conclusion it WOULD be China spreading this misinformation since there is little chance of them losing any more face.

LERN to AZN. You're banging one.


its amazing how you can quote multiple posts and still lack the awareness to realise what youre going on about makes no sense

There is no reason for India to do so. None. Unlike you, the Indian government has pride and a shittone of it. They wouldn't make a wild suggestion for help when they been beating back the Chinese at their border. Historically, India doesn't cry wolf.
i never said anything about the indian government, why are you?

for about the 5th time (in just this thread), learn to read

Call Me Tim

So you think it's some random Pajeet blogger making this suggestion? Are you serious? -- either 1) you believe it -- sad 2) it's sanctioned or focused by the government.

Call Me Tim

The quotes could be like this also is what I'm saying.

it was literally just a heap of random "indian" news accounts on twitter spreading fake news


yeah im totally sure FrontalAssault and other accounts like that are secretly non-indian state actors or wherever youre trying to go with this

AmbrJones Wickenshire

EDF2 Survivor

AmbrJones Wickenshire

EDF2 Survivor
just like every other country they say are a threat it will turn out to be a nothingburger
They're facing droughts, floods, locusts, a crop disease. The Three Gorges Dam is on it's way to being Chernobyl part 2. 4.2% of their gold was found to be fake (largest gold counterfeiting scam in human history), and the shadow banks are falling like dominos. Their largest tech company is running out of chips due to US sanctions.

China is a sinking ship. This sentiment has been echoed by everyone from commoners to princlings. It's going to break apart (for the millionth time), giving us Southern Mongolia, East Turkistan, Manchuria, Honk Kong as their own countries, just to name a few.
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