Eunuchs Are Women Too And Should Be Allowed To Have Babies

Some pagan religions
-- pagan religions automatically accept anything that is detremental to Christianity since Christianity is seen as an "oppressor." Next.
modern western culture
-- Which is why in every vote gay marriage was rejected by vote and only a court ruling made it acceptable. Next.
some periods in chinese history
-- Which were generally short periods of social unrest and had no lasting impact on the culture. And still is overwhelmingly rejected. Next.
It has historically been accepted in southeast asia
-- Rephrase question. Same answer. No. Homosexuality has never been accepted in Asianic culture. It's known, but not accepted. It is disgraceful to one's family. Next.
It has historically been accepted in Japan
-- How many times are you going to rephrase the same point. Still wrong. Next.
Ancient greece and rome
-- Sexual servitude was a component of both cultures and a show of political and social dominance. While the popular modern culture sees these anchient empires as homocentric, they were not. Modern misinterpretation misconstrues kindship with homosexual relationships. Also many of the writers which have lasted history are gay and have given gayness an unrealistic weight.
Ancient Assyeria
-- Again no. See above. And Assyria
Ancient Macedonia
-- Which is Greece. Again see above.
Some African cultures
-- No African culture openly supports gayness. Gayness is illegal in the entire continent of Africa and has been for millennia. You're just making shit up now. Next.
Many native american cultures
-- No. LOL Again you're making shit up or over emphasizing a few instances. Again. The rate of homosexuality in society is and has been relatively the same, 3 - 5%.
most buddhists accept homosexuality
-- Again accepting that homosexuality exists doesn't mean they accept the practice. Next.
It was accepted by the celts
-- Don't know much about the Celts but doubtful since there is little or no history of their day to day culture.
It is accepted by the natives of papua new guinea
-- again accepting that something exists doesn't mean accepting of the practice. Next.
Hindus have accepted it occassionally. They arent very clear on it.
-- again since some accept it as existing doesn't' mean the whole do.

Aside of you literally making points which unravel at the slightest tug of the thread, I would say, LOL.

dont forget any other basically ur fooked quence.
Its extermely difficult to follow conversations with you lol
That's because you're stupid.
During the 90's the homos were all screaming that Abraham Lincoln was gay along with Shakesphere and other great writers and historical people because they were desperate to prove that homosexuals had some great worth. Homos were also pushing the insane idea that homosexuality was the next "step" in human evolution. Species don't evolve to extinct themselves.
"Every source that proves me wrong is biased and dumb"

You have a list of 72 studies. Feel free to read through a few of them
None of those "studies" pertain to your false list of accepting cultures. None of those studies are fair and hold any water when peer reviewed. Any attempt to do so was labeled homo/transphobic and the corresponding counter study was shut down, much like the study that exposed a trend in diagnosed transgenderism in children due to social media advertising.

You are basing your opinion on false data.
Face it transsexualism is a lie. You are living a lie.
ah i see. You didn't look at a single one of them, you just assumed that they are wrong automatically because...well...your a dumb boomer
Wrongful assumption is another trait of the homosexual. It's due to their narcissism.

The sample size of these studies is so laughablly small you couldn't take them seriously. Plus, the time window the subjects were studied was laughable.

Point to one study which validates your made up list of cultures which accepted homosexuality. I count exactly none.
Why are you argueing when your own source proves you wrong. Why are you arguing when these studies are obviously padding so people can tout, "72 studies!!! RheeEEEEE!. Holy shit childrapist you're dumb.
Point to one study which validates your made up list of cultures which accepted homosexuality. I count exactly none.
Why are you argueing when your own source proves you wrong. Why are you arguing when these studies are obviously padding so people can tout, "72 studies!!! RheeEEEEE!. Holy shit childrapist you're dumb.
What? Are you retarded? The studies i posted were before we were talkign about cultures that accept homosexuality (Which im not sure why you brought up in the first place).
How do my sources prove me wrong? They clearly show that transitioning does improve quality of life for transgender people.
What? Are you retarded? The studies i posted were before we were talkign about cultures that accept homosexuality (Which im not sure why you brought up in the first place).
How do my sources prove me wrong? They clearly show that transitioning does improve quality of life for transgender people.
The studies don't prove shit. The sample size is 11 in one, some are even less. They follow them for a very short while, some up to a year. While longer studies directly contradict your "MUH 72 STUDIEZ!!! "

Yeah sounds like "no harm done." Regret is not a side effect of happiness.
if it's not a study it doesn't count.

It's been proven by you that trannies attempt or commit suicide at a higher rate.
It's been proven by you that trannies have to make up facts.
It's been proven by you that any protrannie study would not be in any way be accepted as having an acceptable sample size or duration of study.

However, you discount real stats and people who openly admit that sexual reassignment brought them nothing but regret and are dealing with the emotional fallout of what could only be described as a mistake. Holy fuck you're stupid. I don't hate you because you're a trannie or gay or what not, I hate you because you're an idiot intent on trying to distort reality to fit your personal delusion.
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