you editing my post doesnt answer my question.
if women weren't shamed into dressing a certain way, acting a certain way, wearing makeup, what would trannies have to be jealous of?
bc i gotta tell you bleeding out of your

every 3 weeks aint fun.
Women are not shamed into doing anything. Exactly what fucking century do you live in Baka? No one tells women to put on makeup. No one "shames" them into looking their best, working out, being polite, charming etc., etc., etc. It's called being a normal human being (female DLC). If you don't want to do those things for whatever reason including the absurd one that in doing any of these things is evidence of you submitting to the patriarchy is OK. No one fucking cares. But if you are leaving the house with your hair unkept, eyes crusty with sleep, teeth unbrushed, looking like a general blob, and acting like a miserable cunt, then you drastically reduce your chances of finding ANYONE that wants to hang out with you.
However, people, men and women, straight or gay, gender normative and gender-fucked up all like pretty things. It's the way we are.
About mensuration: I can't really comment experience of mensuration for obvious reasons. I would gather it's a real inconvenience considering every liberal woman is insistent on telling me what a chore it is and that childbirth is equivalent to "shitting out a watermelon." But, for some fucked up faggot thinking that a couple of implants, pills and 200 dollar shopping spree at TJ Maxx makes him a woman is insulting. A faggot screaming that he is oppressed because he biologically cannot function as a woman is RETARDED. That faggot is saying that to be a woman all you need are proper hormone levels, and plastic surgery. I don't care what the popular culture says or insists, no faggot will be equal to any woman because of that, not a supermodel, not the girl next door, not you. Period.
(LOL Period. )
Vagina = natural born victim is absurd. It's ironic in which you claim that "society" or dark psychic forces are driving women to acting like "stereotypical" women when you yourself are picking a very popular female career - nursing. Why not a sewage line worker. Why not a welder? Why not a roofer? Why not infantry? Just because the overwhelming majority choose one thing over another doesn't mean there is a system of oppression.