Call Me Tim
EDF Hero
K.NO U!!!
K.NO U!!!
K.I think about gay sex all the time.
ur autistic hur dur
*your'reYOUR MAD LOL
they MADE those..............out of stock everywhere onlinemini 14 with c-mag, because apparently they make those. One word: overkill. Or is that two words? Meh, you get the point.
I heard these are fake. And the bizon which uses a helical mag of 9x18 is 64 rounds. 5.45 is like twice the length of 9x18 so 75 is wild. Would also make the thing like 9lbs which is ridiculous if your no gunz.The North Korean military uses this AK variant with a top folding stock and 75 round helical magazine. (Type 88-2)
View attachment 24314
Looks cursed as hell
Thats the friggin early ass mini ranch rifle too. Youd think youd see this shit on the > 1980 mini's. Horrid gun Bill Ruger tried to ban ARs so people had to buy mini 14s instead. Fucking niggermini 14 with c-mag, because apparently they make those. One word: overkill. Or is that two words? Meh, you get the point.
View attachment 25344
Close quarters combat with better accuracy than a regular pistol.View attachment 26543
I don't get the point of these. I think they're cool, but I don't see why someone would actually need an intermediary between a pistol and a PCC.