This has actually been known for a while that after WW2, America smuggled Nazi war criminals out of Europe into South America to further anti-communist efforts globally ahead of the looming Cold War. The Nazis outsourced their high technology to the Americans, and that created Area 51 (look into Operation Paperclip). "Flying saucers" works because sound consists of mass (rest energy) and if you lift a disc and fly around in it at lightspeed, you'll break through what's called a "wormhole" or a "quantum tunnel" (which ties into Einstein's theory that space can be bent). This is a real-life shortcut to another universe/timeline in 4th dimension, which refers to the multiverse. Every country's been doing it. It's basically just using soundwaves to levitate objects and time travel (acoustic levitation). Also, "grays" are not aliens, but are humans millions of years into the future who evolved to look different. In other words, "time'" is like a digital camera - each second is a split frame. You just don't notice because it's happening too quick. Quantum physics crash course.