It might be Body Integrity Identity Disorder, as a kid I want to cut my fucking leg(s) off after all, I don't even know for sure if I am trans, I mean I love estrogen, but I don't see myself as male or female.
do u have no interest in therapy ?
For some reason, it apparently looks like he doesn't.
Androcur? I am already on that, it killed my sex drive before I even start torturing my genitals. But turns out after castrating myself with ethanol injections I was only then truly free of any sex drive. This reason is likely in the past.
Fuck medication actual physical permanent damage is always better. I will never have risk of running out of medicine because my nuts are physically broken. I also will save up some money on that, so I mean, there are not that much bad about this way except losing sanity.
No, youre retarded if you think so.
Yeah but im no doctor but im pretty sure that cutting off your manhood can have some pretty adverse effects like blood loss or even death or something. Its more efficient and wise to get gender reassignment surgery, because there wouldnt be any pain.
I read like 40 case reports, no one fucking died of blood loss, it's never was documented that someone did, only time people died is because they killed themselves after performing act of auto castration sooner or later. The chances to survive this are extremely high. It is that all of these people visit hospital afterwards, so even if they god infection they can be treated.

I will use actual surgical instruments, some medical supplies to numb the area and stuff to make everything sterile, so I would minimize chances of infection to nothing. Regardless I will still go to Emergency Hospital, so I would calm to know that everything indeed went alright.
I will use actual surgical instruments, some medical supplies to numb the area and stuff to make everything sterile, so I would minimize chances of infection to nothing. Regardless I will still go to Emergency Hospital, so I would calm to know that everything indeed went alright.
can u take a video of ur entire hospital experience whenever u decide to do so??
I read like 40 case reports, no one fucking died of blood loss, it's never was documented that someone did, only time people died is because they killed themselves after performing act of auto castration sooner or later. The chances to survive this are extremely high. It is that all of these people visit hospital afterwards, so even if they god infection they can be treated.
Im not a doctor like i said, but its still a bad idea.
I will use actual surgical instruments, some medical supplies to numb the area and stuff to make everything sterile, so I would minimize chances of infection to nothing. Regardless I will still go to Emergency Hospital, so I would calm to know that everything indeed went alright.
I would numb the area I won't feel pain while doing surgery, after surgery will take some pain killers just in case.
First of all, its dangerous, second of all you dont have any fucking medical experience i assume, like what the fuck are you talking about? At this point i just feel like you are just talking out of your ass at this point.
That is a bad idea, self surgery is self torture! You could even die from it. Not only is this bad, but its retarded and an outlandish thing to do to yourself.
What about cases when you need to treat life threatening condition? You can't call them retards.

“only downside is youll go fucking crazy and probably end up killing yourself within the next couple years!”
Nah, I have a community full of eunuchs, I can't leave them hang like this.

can u take a video of ur entire hospital experience whenever u decide to do so??
I was thinking of taking some footage from there, I will at least write it down, I mean in Germany you can't just record shit properly, privacy laws and shit. So I will give my honest attempt of documenting that and if I will put into mental hospital afterwards or not.
First of all, its dangerous, second of all you dont have any fucking medical experience i assume, like what the fuck are you talking about? At this point i just feel like you are just talking out of your ass at this point.
Yes it is dangerous and I have no medical experience, but listen up here:

I am reading medical studies and various WHO recommendations as well as various medical books, watching videos of how orchiectomy performed on youtube, bought recently myself a suturing practice kit, gonna practice next week.
Yes it is dangerous and I have no medical experience, but listen up here:

I am reading medical studies and various WHO recommendations as well as various medical books, watching videos of how orchiectomy performed on youtube, bought recently myself a suturing practice kit, gonna practice next week.
I have a feeling it could end badly
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