mint farm 2.0

Whoah, Woah, Woah, slow your roll there Zeus. Giving yourself God-tier power is a bit presumptuous.

Wellp, I guess you're not running a cruelty-free farm, eh Nurse Ratched?

it is by will alone i set my mind in motion. it is by the juice of sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. it is by will alone i set my mind in motion
Almost done with my rhubarb rig.
It is going to be amazing, the fucking things are actively encouraging you to bring out your inner sadist.
Heat the blighters, keep them in the dark and they just keep growing desperately to reach the sun which isn't there, only some artifical LED lighting eventually. All in an enclosed indoor planter in my laundry room with drip watering.
Perfect for winter cultivation, ready to be planted in a nice little plot I've prepared by genociding all weeds with vinegar solution and covering with a heavy tarp.
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