beebo got gotted by a predator. she got stuck somewhere so i blocked the area off so it wouldn't happen again
between having to re-direct the white chickens back to sleeping in the coop (venus ESPECIALLY, as she had taken to sleeping in the neighbor's tree after honey disappeared) and the two white chickens laying their eggs who the fuck knows where (every day is an easter egg hunt with these two idiots) after looking around the other evening during a brief period of peace, i realizes hermes was missing... and i have no idea when she disappeared
bit sad about that one... she was so calm and so quiet that BECAUSE of the lack of chaos on her part i did not notice her missing
uprooted the pumpkin vines and some corn. the pumpkins did not do as well as i would've liked since we have had zero inches of rain the last month. i did get a few heirloom ones tho, including a variant i haven't had grow for me previous year. so not a total failure. had a solid haul of greens from the greenhouse. lettuce, mizuna, bok choy all on point.
apart from that, artemis went broody again, and so i gave her two eggs to sit on from the white chickens after i had seen boo mate with them. got a lot of old english and cochin offspring so need some new dna before i end up with alabama inbred lines. i have candled them n they are both developing. so some half-mid half-full size science project chicks are on the way fingers crossed
bandit and maple
boo and nuggetoni are about the same size, and both speckley boys
little buddy
noodle, nuggetino, and nuggetoni. the two half-breeds have really turned out gorgeous