Trying to become ambidextrous


This is my personal journey into trying to become, very late in life I might add, ambidextrous.

The reasons why I'm doing this:

1) My neck, back, spine is out of alignment
2) My posture sucks
3) I have a click in my left rotator cuff when I try to rotate or throw a ball that probably has to do with my previous injuries and my left shoulder blade


1) Alignment of neck, back and spine
2) People usually can't beat other people who are the other hand from you in sports and stuff
3) No left/right brain domination
4) Full range of motion with your body. No more one side dominating the other side

Conse @Quence s

1) You are going to feel like a child again learning something for the first time
2) You will look really silly for a bit, so maybe do it by yourself
3) I don't know, there always has to be a third in lists

What you will have to deal with

1) Lack of strength in your non-dominant arm
2) Lack of technique in your non-dominant arm
3) Lack of style in you non-dominant arm
4) Your dominant arm is going to want to try to take over constantly. Getting rid of this is a trick in and of itself.

I started with basketball. I was shooting basketball left handed yesterday. It was awful at first. Then it looked silly. But eventually it got better. No form. No strength. Like I'm a kid again.

Then, I tried throwing a baseball. Oh no, the clicking. Well, we'll just have to deal with that by practice. Want to "throw like a girl again"? Throw with your non-dominant arm. Can't aim up. Can't throw far. Let's get started.

Third and finally, billiards or pool. There have been so many times that I've played pool and didn't have the body angle to get to the shot that I wanted. So I invented things like the behind-the-back pool shot that works pretty well, but there is no control over the placement of where you left the cue ball.

Billiards is difficult because the right arm doesn't want to cooperate. It doesn't understand the bridge technique and the left arm doesn't know what it is doing when it's trying to complete a stroke on the ball.

Speaking of ambidextrous stroke and ball, I guess something else will also come in handy both ways now. Lol.
Ok, since @Barrabas so kindly "good idea"'d me I will let you in on how I am curing my cursed back problem.

Amazon link (if you will allow) -

Currently out of stock. But this thing is the best thing since sliced bread.

This is going to be a bit of a tl;dr of pictures but it is the dimensions on how to make something like this if you want to make it yourself.

Got a bad back and want to do something about it. You can build this thing yourself and not pay $350 for it.









Cat paw!

So what do you do with this thing?

Great question!

You find a place where you can do snow angles on the ground and place this thing on the ground.

You first line it up where your neck is at the highest point and your head is touching the ground. Then you start doing snow angels in four positions:

1) Legs straight down with toes up
2) Legs straight down with toes pointing outwards
3) Legs bent straight up
4) Legs bent with feet touching together

And start doing snow angels.

Then, slowly creep this board down your back until you get the small of your back to contour to it. There's about 5 to 6 steps in this process.

Be forewarned! The first time you do this, it is going to hurt. But you can deal with pain, right? It's going to feel like you are kneeling on pebbles nerve pain. Ouch!

This is the raised boards loosening the muscles that are directly attached to your spine. You know, those ones that always have tension and people pay to have massaged?

Once you do this a few times, you will actually feel your spine start to maneuver.

For me, I had something close to scoliosis when I was a kid. I always had bad posture and my back always hurt as a kid. Double that when you get into a car crash and fuck your neck up.

The process for me takes about 10 to 30 minutes depending on how I feel.

However, no crippling back pain anymore! It's not like it doesn't hurt from time to time. It does. I'm getting old. But not crippling fuck my life pain!
And we have the ET neck stretcher traction device for the really bad necks.

Be careful with this bad boy if you actually have a pinched nerve. I was able to control the rate of my left eye twitch that I had for a decade (twice a year) one time by playing with this thing. It was fun, but not really.
Come to find out that my severe left eye twitch that left me really bitchy around the beginning of spring and the beginning of winter was caused my by C1/C2 vertebrae being fucked up and pinching on my vagus nerve. Too bad it only took me a decade of trial and error to figure that one out.
Update - Left handed billiards:

1) I'm forcing my body to bend in ways I've never bent before. Very good!
2) I'm also 60% down on my form here as well after 2 massive sessions and the start of the third.
3) My right index finger is shaking mad at me at this utter betrayal and won't sit still for the bridge formation.

This makes me want to start trying to use the mouse on my computer with the left hand. Let's make carpal tunnel a thing of the past.
Done with the billiards session. Now time to cool down. Going to go back on the boards and back stretching thing from previous in this thread.

When I finally stop caring about not showing my face, I'll show you some videos of me doing this on my Youtube channel so you know I'm not full of shit.
Back to ambidextrous Mike now. This is a good idea going forward. I need some billiards playing today because it is now too dark to play basketball and I need to get this click out of my left shoulder.

Ok, this one is funny. I guarantee it.

So, instead of putting the tDCS/tACS device with the red wire over my left eye and the black wire over my right eye as proscribed by the instruction manually, I've put the red wire over my left temporal lobe as shown in the video for out of body experiences and the black wire over the right temporal lobe.

What happened? Well, I started to be able to play billiards without really looking at the ball in Direct current mode.

In Alternating current mode? You are going to love this one. I've independently found out where teeth chattering comes from. This thing forces you to chatter your teeth like you are coming out of a cold shower. And I'm still awesome and billiards and not having to look down the ball.

Once it is off, the effects wear off and I have to look again.

I'm going to be playing with this thing with the sensors all over my head. I'm going to be careful on going the opposite way with the black on the left and the red on the right. I might try it on it's lowest setting to make sure something really bad doesn't happen. But Dr Jekyll over here is going to be telling you what is happening to me when I do this on different areas of my head.
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