Wasn't this bitch some kind of prosecutor or something? Oh, thats right she just sucked dick to climb the political ladder...

Call Me Tim

Wasn't this bitch some kind of prosecutor or something? Oh, thats right she just sucked dick to climb the political ladder...
View attachment 3454View attachment 3455
The stunning irony of these two is: Biden was a supporter of the "Mass Incarceration Law," which put violent people in jail for a long time, many of which were black; Harris prosecuted many people for "little crimes" like MJ and put them in jail, many of which were black. Blacks are being told they "know" black people.

Meanwhile, Trump actually passed and enacted sentencing reform which released blacks from prison for "minor" crimes.
Gonna tell ya little story 'bout a man named Jay
Picked apples in his back-yard,
And ev'rybody called him Ghey

Turns out the apples had some nasty maggots,
And little Guvna Inslee is a great big faggot...


Old Skool
I thought you hated Drumpf.
Read what you post.

" Drumpf administration on Thursday proposed new rules that could result in utilities and states moving more quickly to protect public health in such cases. "
It took Obama 2 terms to pass anything and he basically did nothing but Trump let the funding pass and unlike Obama added regulations to stop future lead poisoning.
I am only loyal to environmentalist ideology, they may not go far enough but Democrats stall and don't do shit.

Call Me Tim

It took Obama 2 terms to pass anything and he basically did nothing but Drumpf let the funding pass and unlike Obama added regulations to stop future lead poisoning.
I am only loyal to environmentalist ideology, they may not go far enough but Democrats stall and don't do shit.
Under Obunghole, 3% replacement; under Trump 7%. What part of numbers do you not understand. What's better 3 sheckels or 7 sheckels?

I don't think you understand the HUGE cost and disruption that happens whenever a water/sewer line needs repair or has to be replaced. Atlanta went all in and replaced all the aging sewer lines at once and the residents are now dealing with 400 dollar monthly sewage bills. There has to be a balance. It sucks, I agree. Buy bottled water. I do, and my water system is safe. Because I don't trust the gubbermint.
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