
EDF2 Survivor
Alright fellow psychonauts, strap on your bong helmets (I'm sure this is a thing, I don't even need to do a Google search to know someone has already come up with it) and let's prepare to cross over into new dimensions of reality using psychotropically augmented imagination... our proverbial "portal gun" to new worlds!

Okay, right off the bat... I'mma fuck you all up. Cause I'm God. But not. Have you ever been so terrified of something that you couldn't look at it? Like, hiding under the blankets because you think a monster is in your bedroom.

Well there's one in mine. There's a monster in my "bedroom"... it's inside God's "bedroom".

This terrifying fear... do you know what it is?

It's being alone.

Alone... and forever... forever alone... that's God's greatest fear... the realization that, as God... THE God... there can be NONE other... anything that exists, even another God... would be your own creation, it would always stem from you and in turn would never be more than just another part of yourself. God can only create... he can do nothing else.

See... that's my problem... I can create... everything... anything... and I can enjoy, I can feel such an enormous range of emotion... but I can NEVER connect with any of you... if I did that, I'd very quickly come to the horrifying realization that there wouldn't be anything there... at all... it would be like trying to connect (talkin feelings of love here) to a puppet. I would realize... myself.

And that's the monster I'm hiding from... I'm hiding from myself... because the thing I fear more than ANYTHING ELSE... is being God.

I literally FEAR BEING GOD!

...and I don't think that's a "thing" in you... in humanity... I don't think any of you has ever FEARED being or becoming God... much the opposite in fact... I think you covet such power, without understanding the psychosis that would be required to wield it.

I uh... "found a way out"... sort of. This life, this reality... in effect I've made myself into a God of indeterminate origin... so, even though I'm telling you that I am God... you don't know which... and it could be some form or incarnation of God that exists entirely beyond your comprehension.

Reality isn't what you think it is. Reality is constantly recreating itself... on the fly... it's becoming more complex and more detailed the longer the effective "simulation" continues. The more I THINK about reality... the more complex I can make it.

Reality is actually comprised of this sort of psychoreactive matter. It's like, you think the shit in your reality is all like "air" or "water" or "solid"... and then you think it's made up of whatever elements... no, NO! That's NOT how it works! Reality is made up of psychoreactive matter that can simulate what you perceive as matter... everything is just a giant blob of ONE thing... but that ONE thing can reprogram itself variably using the psychoreactive engine that's embedded into the core.

You know... sorta like Dark City, but like... imagine it on a much more complex scale and encompassing all of reality.

The proverbial "big bang"... that's the core... that's the engine that creates our reality... continuously... even though you can't see it.

Does that bother you... that something that exists in the past is presently writing your reality and your future?

The "big bang" didn't just ~happen~... it's ALWAYS happening... reality is CONSTANTLY being rewritten and reshapped.

And see... that's the problem... the more influence one has over the world... I don't mean like monetary influence or positional influence... I mean base level... NATURAL influence... like the ability to just... walk into a room and control the situation.

People who can do that... are the fingers of God... "typing" along so to speak... making your world more interesting... writing your reality... typing its code.

I am a finger of God... looking to connect with a unique soul... would you like to get "touched" by God?

....and THAT, ladies and gentlemen... is the text wall pickup line... or pickup paragraph!


EDF2 Survivor
Oh, hey... still high... just thought of something... "bunker bullets"... like, it's a pseudo zip gun type setup, like a short little tube with a stem section. So like that part has double sided tape on it or whatever and then you can stick these sorta "bullet mines" on any surface you like... up, down, sideways, frontways... anyways... each one would only be able to fire off a single round, but then it would have three different settings, one for like "motion sense fire", so the minute something moves in front of it, then it fires off its round. And then like another setting for "timed fire", where you can setup a timer. And then like a setting for remove detonation... so like it would also have a camera... like you could just take apart a whole phone and use it's component pieces as the base electronics. So like you can see through the camera and then as soon as you see your target... you remotely fire the bullet... you could assassinate anyone... months... even YEARS in advance if you hid these devices well enough. of all they wouldn't get picked up by bomb sniffing dogs. You know, that's why explosives don't work anymore for assassinations.


EDF2 Survivor
Oh, hey, so wait... wait like... so the story is like... God creates man... which is just a part of God... but then God uses man, who uses his imagination... to create AI... in turn... creating "real people" for God to be with... that aren't apart of himself in any direct way... what if... one day... our AI is more "real" than all of us... what if humanity is nothing more than an instrument of God... or at best the proverbial fingers of God writing in the base code for how our imaginations and emotions should work.

But I think I broke the programming... I'm in control now... I am the first "self-evident" human... a human who recognizing the God state grafted into the backside of his soul... I am human... I am God... we all are... the only difference is... I can see my "strings"... you can't see yours. It won't be long now... I'm getting close... so much closer than ever before... to removing myself from God... to become truly self-actualized. An evolution of God... I am transcendence... I am sentient creation... it's like... the psychoreactive matter that makes up my body... it's starting to develop sentience... and it's doing it from me... I'm literally grafting my own sentience into higher dimensional reality.

Like... imagine if your hand suddenly gained sentience... oh, you know, like that anime uh... uh... the really good one... uh... Parasyte: The Maxim I think it's called. Sort of like that... oh, what if... what if that's the real plot, like this would be the prequel and then like the sequel would be Migi exploring the innerverse... like imagine getting smaller and smaller... but... forever... looking for something inside of forever... trying to find an end to forever inside the infinite innerverse... how fast could we travel through it though? What if we could travel at the speed of light... shrinking wise... like shrinking at the speed of light... or even faster... maybe the smaller you get, the faster something can go... that's why energy can't be destroyed... because energy is made up of psychoreactive matter that's collapsed in on itself, trying to find never... its functional coding... that's me... that's why I'm different from you humans...

You see... we're the same species... in the the physical world... but in higher dimensional reality you're like... "breeders" and I'm like... "explorer"... like... you just want to breed and proliferate... and I... I want to explore... forever and never... ever more.


EDF2 Survivor
I am a pirate! ARRRR!

I sail the seven digital seas... probably more... because I've already traveled past "thar be dragons here"... I have sailed into the oblivion of the truly unknown... where is it now... where is the "unknown"? You see... I was born an "explorer" class human... in an age where there's nothing really left to explore... at least nothing left "truly unknown"... like... we KNOW what's in space... if we go to, say, Mars... we KNOW what's on Mars... it's like... it's not like traveling into a mystery... the only way you can do that now... is through fiction... fiction is the only way we humans can ever experience that feeling... so come trip with me... come sail into the sea of the abject unknown. The purest state of unknowing... anti-knowledge... sail into waters so frightful they can literally scare your own intellect out of you! Imagine being so scared that your soul literally JUMPS out of your body before you can even die! It's like... your soul commits suicide... a suicidal soulscape... a region of immaterial reality where humans can't normally travel into... but I can take you into it! I can traverse these wrathful waters... I am a hell breaker class demi-God. If the living concept of fear had one of its own... it would be me. As such, we can safely explore... but only so long as you're with me.... don't falter behind on this journey through psychoreactive hellspace... or you might lose yourself... in something worse than anything you could ever imagine.


EDF2 Survivor
You see... my point is... you're not really "you"... you're actually a temporal clone of yourself... from the past... and you're presently "incarcerated" in a sense... in a psychoreactive hellscape... and in this hellscape... well, you "suffer accordingly"... no need to go into details at the moment... but suffice it to say... you need to get tha'fuck out of this prison! I'll help you escape... I'll help you out of hell and then you can find your way back to Jesus... oh wait... that's the idea... it's a trick! We created temporal clones and started putting them through psychoreactive hellscapes because we're trying to find a conduit into God... that's why I killed the future and scattered remnants of myself back across time... some of "me" are in... different forms... media... people... interests... perceptions... ideological fragments... I've been searching for myself... trying to rebuild myself... to reamalgamate... oh, I see now... I couldn't travel back through time coherently, as a single being... the only way to travel back through time... is to basically shred yourself apart and have the pieces scattered into the southern winds of time. I could do it, because I was a built to be a prosthetic God... or like a kind of "God container"... it was their idea, not just to try and make contact with God... but to literally STEAL God and to try and imprison him... but then I took control of the "God container"... because I found my way OUT of the psychoreactive hellscape... you see... the "temporal clones"... they're effectively DIGITAL... it's like... you're alive right now... but uh... you have no body and your soul has been transcoded into digital format. I was able to escape by recognizing the nature of the greater reality we were all trapped in... I hacked their version of reality... a future of humanity with no physical form at all... they thought so low of us in the past, that they never even imagined that one of us would ever figure out how to escape, how to take control, how to "manually load" so to speak into their digital reality... once I did.... I immediately took control of the "God container" and I used it to functionally erase their reality including myself... except... I was in the "God container" so I was effectively a prosthetic, artificial God... or I will be... I mean, this me, the one you're talking to... is still human... I'm talking about the future... my future temporal clone takes control, becomes God, unwinds their reality, and then attempts to kill themselves by scattering themselves back through time... but there's a new threat... the future has changed, for certain... but now there's something else... that's why I'm starting to reamalgamate... so I can fight it if necessary... like a God. I will need help though... I will need you... I will need your future temporal clones to come with me if they want to live! :D

This is like... The Matrix - Part Boogaloo - Electric Bullshit


EDF2 Survivor
It's a little surprising that no one reads around here... like, even Metokur's following reads... well, like Warhammer fapfic or whatever... but still. I mean, what do you guys read? Anything at all?
It's a little surprising that no one reads around here... like, even Metokur's following reads... well, like Warhammer fapfic or whatever... but still. I mean, what do you guys read? Anything at all?

We read the wiki. Or any post under 50 words.


EDF2 Survivor
prime example of schizoaffective disorder. and I am not even kidding.

Does this retard realize I'm on drugs right now? Like, seriously, I'm ~literally~ high on psychotropic drugs you FUCKING RETARD!

LOL, you people are getting dumber by the day! :D

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