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  1. Ricki

    Democrats win the black vote with strippers

    It's gonna be hard to top 2020 politics.
  2. Ricki

    Chinese Defector Presents Evidence Covid 19 made in Lab

    As much as I hate censorship I have to agree with this. I remember the amount of damage the 5G causes Covid-19 rumor caused.
  3. Ricki

    Chinese Defector Presents Evidence Covid 19 made in Lab

    Oh China's government is definitely lying, they'll do anything to save face and pretend they did no wrong. Let's look at recent history. 2008, The baby formula incident. China imported and exported a shit ton of baby formula that had been laced with industrial chemicals to artificially boost...
  4. Ricki

    Yandredev trolling idea

    Someone pretending to make a game that caters to weebs to rake in as much Patreon money as possible.
  5. Ricki

    "No Wait, I Was Just Virtue Signalling!"

    There's got to be a term for this, when someone or something claims that they're awful in some way and apologize and are shocked that people say they have to change for the better.
  6. Ricki

    Yandredev trolling idea

    If it comes out, which I don't see happening for another 20 years at best given YanDev's work ethic. YanDev used to browse 4chan do you honestly think that basic shit will work? Look, if you really want to fuck with him, then the best way is through his wallet. Look at what lead up to YanDev...
  7. Ricki

    Discord B& Due To Furry AIDS

    They can ban ED all they want, but ED is like herpes. It'll always come back.
  8. Ricki

    China vs Disney

  9. Ricki

    Dolezal 2: Not Black But A Jew

    Should've fought back by claiming to be trans-black.
  10. Ricki

    Golden Rain Man Beat.

    Pedophile gets the shit beaten out of them in prison, no surprise here.
  11. Ricki

    WTF fetishes 2.0

    Found a mix of incest, possibly pedophilia, and snuff.
  12. Ricki

    Netflix is releasing softcore child porn

    This reminds me of an incident I read up about a long time ago. Some guy had a tumor in his brain that caused pedophillic desires. They removed the tumor and he was back to normal. There's a case report on it actually. The full story...
  13. Ricki

    Anyone here use OpenToonz?

    I've been trying to shift over to using OpenToonz as my go to animation software instead of Anime Studio Pro due to the latter being buggy and not handling frame by frame very well. It's just I'm having so many issues trying to adapt to OpenToonz and its interface. I've gone on Youtube and...
  14. Ricki

    Netflix is releasing softcore child porn

    Meanwhile on Rotten Tomatoes
  15. Ricki

    Netflix is releasing softcore child porn

    Fun fact: the poster for the movie initially and the poster Netflix made for it couldn't be any more different. At least the poster now matches the degeneracy of the movie.
  16. Ricki

    LGBT rights

    Sorry, I misread your initial question. I think that they already have the same rights as everyone else, but if they still want to proclaim that they're still oppressed and shit because not everyone is open to LGBT, they need to deal with their hypocrisy first.
  17. Ricki

    LGBT rights

    Ironically enough many members of the L and G parts of LGBT treat Bisexuals like homophobes treat them. "Oh you're just pretending to get attention". "You must be a slut!". "You're just gay/straight but don't realize it". "You can't be a member of LGBT, you're dating the opposite gender!"...
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