made me some clam chowdah
made a pot pie recipe from a tim burton themed cook book


this is a very involved recipe. you gotta make the cornbread (husband doesn't like spicy pepper so i stuck to it but left the jalapeno out)
then there's the alfredo sauce (love it sauce)
i also opted out of making the beetle jam... it wanted peppers in it n by coincidence i did see this in the shop while making the grocery run for the stuff to make this

here's how the cornbread recipe turned out. got cheese, honey, sour cream, n corn in it

the toppings

stirred together. this is a complex journey with a lot of different flavors on the pathway

it's fucking good
i am thankful i have leftovers of this cuz i don't wanna make more but i do wanna eat more
Apple-cake Surprise (the surprise is I made this instead of cookies or brownies):

>Melt 2 sticks butter and 1.5C warm milk in pyrex measuring cup on stove burner for unspecified future baked good
>Add (mostly brown) sugars, almond extract, butter extract, vanilla and mix into tasty sludge. (Could have also added some molasses at this stage, had I planned on making this ahead of time).
>Not too sweet overall, since the wife prefers minimal saccharinity.
>Mix warm sludge together with some beaten eggs (2) and flours (2.5 to 3 total cups of flours, of varying likenesses and kinds. Brown rice flour, glutinous rice flour, millet, tapioca starch, sorghum, oat flour.)
>Realize it is a very wet mix
>Looks like Toad-in-the-Hole batter
>Rather than add more flours, just decide to wing it
>Grate 3 granny-smith-apples into the flour/sugar/egg sludge
>Add "Autumnal spices" (Cinnamon, mace, nutmeg, allspice, clove, green cardamom, plus bonus Texas tarragon).
>3/4tsp baking soda
>Splash of cooking brandy, splash of old-af Fireball Whiskey bro-in-law left here like two years ago
>Coarse grind some sunflower seeds and pistachio kernels because why not. Toss those right in.
>Mix by hand til no lumps
>Doomp into big, greased baking dish
>Bake at 300 for 1.5 to 2 hours til knoife comes out clean from middle

>Serve with more butter and/or maple syrup but also a pinch of salt.



Here I have been slicing and dicing those fuckers for decades like a retard.


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This is one of our famous dessert (italy), the tiramisù :

  • 250 gr mascarpone (i think they sell in the US with brand name "belgioioso" )
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar
  • 400 gr of ladygfingers (here are called savoiardi, or you can use oro saiwa biscuits)
  • 1 cup of espresso coffee
  • 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder
  • 2 tablespoons of marsala (or brandy or rum)
-How to make

Put the sugar and the egg yolks in a large bowl. Beat well until the mixture is light and creamy. Add mascarpone and half of marsala, and beat well.

Beat the egg whites until stiff and add them in the mascarpone cream. Mix gently.

Pour the espresso in a shallow dish along with the remaining marsala. Stir well. Quick dip each ladyfinger in the espresso mixture turning for a few secs until they are nicely soaked.

Line these in the bottom of a glass dish until you have used half of the biscuits. Spread over half of the cream. Cover with the remaining biscuits and spread over the remaining cream. Dust with the cocoa.

Put in the fridge overnight or at least give it 5-6 hour to chill

sorry for the crappy english


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had a culinary revelation today:
fried some onions in oil i got from dried tomatoes, fried for a while. added aged sausage and chorizo, sun dried tomatoes with some gooseberry, added penne pasta and, raw spinach and capers
let it cook a little while, added grated parmesan with garlic and oregano 10/10 eating
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