I already know how this is gonna end
No you don't. I gonna patiently research everything I need, buy everything I need for surgery and patiently wait for it to arrive and then I going to do it.

Did I tell I will invite my friend cutters to the surgery? They will assist me.

Who the fuck are Cutters you might ask?
Cutters are not medical professionals who are performing amputation surgeries on others mostly removing testicles with or without scrotum and doing penectomy, some of them might have some knowledge as they are working at veterinary clinics and neutering animals. Yes so surgeries might involve removing leg or arm of one, but there are not a lot of people who want that.

One will record whole thing on camera, stream it at the same time, I will also have a camera on my head to record it in first person, other person would give me medical instruments, hold some instruments in place and do other assistance as needed.
And if shit go sideways they can call ambulance.
Havent read the thread but im going to assume it ends in nothing because op cant man up enough
Give me fucking money, I literally fucking spent all of my money on camera to record future surgery, I need to buy surgical instruments and sutures and shit.
You can speed up my process you know?
I will keep you updated all and all, stuff like this takes time, I can't just take knife and do it, I would be put in mental hospital, if I do self surgery there is high chance I won't, there are literally cases when people just went home after visiting Emergency Room, like holy shit you just let those people go?
Why are you impatient impotent?

I don't need to proof anything to anyone, It is solely my thing, I want to cut my nuts and how and when I do it will be on my terms
Stop yapping then

I will NOT be as retarded as these guys, it so fucking disgusting, stick your knife to your urethra, I personally better do it with surgical instruments

"Just fucking look at them ago splitting their shit (translation is bad, but at least 50-80% accurate):

(1) 00∶00∶00,000 --> 00∶00∶06,220
Her husband and wife are not able to control themselves even after knowing about it, Dayanand

(2) 00∶00∶06,220 --> 00∶00∶25,640
Last night of the week, there is a big problem in the mind of the people living on the bank of the river I cry because I know what the hell you are doing (Background: to Ajay to Ajay)

(3) 00∶00∶25,640 --> 00∶00∶27,240
After your death, you will ask me, I will cry, I will know that your deeds were done by you first. (/ First I did it to you)

(4) 00∶00∶27,240 --> 00∶00∶29,280
Now two women will ask me about this. (/ Now two girls will be asking about this) (Background: Ajay to)

(5) 00∶00∶29,280 --> 00∶00∶31,740
Come, son, your deeds are done. (/ Come and see your son Kardupata)

(6) 00∶00∶31,740 --> 00∶00∶33,420
Your penis is a pain (I have given you pain) (Background: Ajay to)

(7) 00∶00∶33,420 --> 00∶00∶35,320
I would have done the first attack (Background: Ajay to)

(8) 00∶00∶35,320 --> 00∶00∶36,480
I would have made you increase your penis (/ I would have got my whole penis enlarged)

(9) 00∶00∶36,480 --> 00∶00∶37,640
Your penis is a pain (/ I have given you pain) (Background: Ajay to)

(10) 00∶00∶37,640 --> 00∶00∶39,400
Why should they do it now (Background: To Ajay)

(11) 00∶00∶39,400 --> 00∶00∶42,160
No problem son, I will ask them (Background: To Ajay)

(12) 00∶00∶42,160 --> 00∶00∶44,360
(Tenu?) Come on, you don't say anything, give it to me (/ You are here, you don't want to say anything) (Background: To Ajay)

(13) 00∶00∶44,360 --> 00∶00∶46,280
You don't say anything, give it to me (/ You are here, you don't want to say anything) (Background: To Ajay)

(14) 00∶00∶46,280 --> 00∶00∶48,320
Now your motherfucking is a whore (Background: To Ajay)"
I used some elastrator banding on my balls in the past, (elastrator is used to castrate animals), here is how my balls looked after I took the banding off, I had slept in it and did ethanol injection while had it on.

I thought it was necrosis, I was fucking scared for life there. Lucky for me it was just some infection.

Hardcore will never die, punks are not dead and I will still continue to live my life and will keep on modifying my body.
No you don't. I gonna patiently research everything I need, buy everything I need for surgery and patiently wait for it to arrive and then I going to do it.

Did I tell I will invite my friend cutters to the surgery? They will assist me.

Who the fuck are Cutters you might ask?
Cutters are not medical professionals who are performing amputation surgeries on others mostly removing testicles with or without scrotum and doing penectomy, some of them might have some knowledge as they are working at veterinary clinics and neutering animals. Yes so surgeries might involve removing leg or arm of one, but there are not a lot of people who want that.

One will record whole thing on camera, stream it at the same time, I will also have a camera on my head to record it in first person, other person would give me medical instruments, hold some instruments in place and do other assistance as needed.
And if shit go sideways they can call ambulance.
I already know its not gonna end well
Yes it is me. Is that this surprising to chat with such degenerate?

I agree. btw I plan to set my public hairs on fire next week for the challenge on the discord server I am admin of.
Why are you mutilating yourself? For clout?
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