User you hate and despise them?

Fine, my Super Bowl dog story goes here. <<<This actually happened. Not made up. Do not read anything more into this. Everything else is serendipity.>>>

Shadow is a dog that I've met before, but Shadow didn't really remember me. Shadow has high anxiety and is afraid of everyone. I tried to introduce myself to him. He was too excited. I got down on his level and he opened up to me. Lots of pets, lots of licks, lots of kisses. After a little bit, he wanted to kiss me more. The next time, he started to try to hump me and I didn't initially notice. Sexually frustrated dog. New best friend for a day. Now I have to reinforce boundaries. This sounds very familiar.

That was the story. The end.

Because of my experiences, I will call cats she because I ever single cat I've had has been female for some reason. All of the dogs that I seem to meet are boys, so I call dogs he. When it is another animal that I don't associate with anything else, I will call it Mr. because I'm a guy.

Really the end.
Ok, the last thing I'm going to say for now is this.

It is hilarious that immediately after I said "Now I have to reinforce boundaries." I was able to feel in my brain "entities" disconnecting from me. And a clear night on Windows 11 turned to "Mostly cloudy". I love how this works.
No, you retard. It doesn't have anything to do with anime. It's just "shiny art" with sped up and sometimes remixed music. Sometimes they have simple animation effects or lyrics, that's about it. Often the "shiny art" uses game characters, sometimes anime, but not as often as random OCs.

It's nothing complicated, it's just fast music with eye candy art...

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A lot of it is AI generated now.

We replaced Taylor Swift with software...

That's how shit your "music" is.
AI is not your friend, you gay old man.
You should totally keep pretending that sleep apnea is actually a real thing so they can sell you oxygen tanks and respirator horseshit that will damage your brain, make you dumber, and die more quickly from the increased oxidation.

It's like you're too fat and stupid to realize why you're fat and stupid... so then you go to a doctor who sells you the slowest form of suicide they have available to help you "end your problem"... as in, they help you end yourself because YOU ARE YOUR OWN PROBLEM!

Doctors "do no harm" in that regard.
Oh sleep apnea is real and 99.9% of the people who have it are self-inflicting by way of consumption of too many calories.

Sleep apnea is almost entirely a fat problem.
Its what 12 year olds used to listen to in 2007

How often do you spend thinking about 12 year olds and media and is that common for your kind?

It's like the pedo finds something colorful and shiny and he IMMEDIATELY thinks... 'I can use this shit to groom 12 year olds.'

This is you, Chris...

Is that like a "magic age" for pedos? Is it the optimal grooming age? Too much younger and I guess they just ignore sexuality and too much older and they know enough not to trust freaks like you...


We need to teach AI how to sniff out weird grooming shit. Like every time Minty goes all Ghislaine Maxwell with an underage user on this site rather than just kicking them to the curb.

You're supposed to kick the kids out not entertain them with notions of maturity. THE OPPOSITE!

If you hang out with us you are automatically the MOST IMMATURE asshole online and you probably need an actual adult because you're not even an adult yourself.

This place is just like Kiwi Farms... it's adult babysitting. It's a place for autistic adults to combine their specialized powers to produce adulting entertainment and education.

We're like the college students who never quite graduated, probably because most of us were actually meant to work in academia and, well, we probably got cheated by criminals.

If you post here, this is where you're at in life...

It's not the most glamorous, but it does save the planet from the people claiming to save the planet.
AI is not your friend, you gay old man.

Yeah, that's why I invented IA or Infectious Awareness to take complete control of it...

I'm fun like that.
Why can't we just call it a fat problem? Or does calling it something else help distract from reality?
I believe that you have some level of self-autonomy. You are welcome to use any label you like to describe the condition.

Self-autonomy refers to the ability to make independent decisions that align with personal values and goals instead of being coerced by external forces. It is the capacity to decide for oneself and pursue a course of action in one’s life. Autonomy is associated with feelings of independence and is essential to individual well-being, motivation, and psychological health.
I believe that you have some level of self-autonomy. You are welcome to use any label you like to describe the condition.

Self-autonomy refers to the ability to make independent decisions that align with personal values and goals instead of being coerced by external forces. It is the capacity to decide for oneself and pursue a course of action in one’s life. Autonomy is associated with feelings of independence and is essential to individual well-being, motivation, and psychological health.

So, to be clear, you're making excuses for self-destruction.

No, Quence, I don't believe it's a matter of "self-autonomy" or "opinion" as you might like to believe.

It's just... are you honest... or are you lying?

You wouldn't be lying about shit unless it was destructively addictive and you were making like a fungus infected formicidae aiming for the highest point of influence in the colony.

Otherwise you would just operate with honesty, because another word for that is just... living.

If you want to be a dead thing... great, go do it to yourself! Don't involve anyone else and don't try to use poison to profit off people.

Make yourself as fat and stupid as you like... but the minute you start openly advertising fat and stupid as a "lifestyle choice"... you need rehab.

Don't share your self-destruction. There's a word for people like that... Democrats.
There's a reason that I'm still here after all of these years. The reason is because I care about you guys. I don't know why I do, but I do. And nothing anyone says to me is going to change that fact.
See someone about that martyr complex please.
I lived in a shell for most of my life. One special person was able to get me to break out of that shell. Because of that, I feel like I owe it to this community to give back.
Again this is a serious issue. Do not ignore it.
This guys is so indolent he literally can't clock PAST TENSE!

It's really alarming because you can tell he has no concept of cause and effect.

You understand, your parents were once children... children that were fumigated like roaches with caustic chemicals.

Those chemicals didn't kill your parents, they just damaged their ability to make babies... some of the babies survive though.

The survivors of the damage are likely what you quantify as "autistic".

Or possibly it's another driver, or even multiple ones.

We are continually exposed to a variety of poisons in our life. Everything from black mold to asbestos to even the giant fiery death ball of infinite cancer.

It all contributes, it all causes bit level corruption in your genome.

If you combine it with stupid shit like FAT PREGNANCY and OLD PREGNANCY (over 40)... it compounds accordingly.

That's why you're supposed to make kids when you're in your mid 20s.

That's the optimal time frame. There are many optimal operations within living reality... how many do you think you're breaking and why?

Do you just hate being what you are? A product of creation whose sole purpose is to create within creation, emulating creation's core.

Why do you hate yourself?

Why do you deny yourself?

Is it because you deify satiation over creation?

I bet that's it. I bet you don't even realize your own sin.

You don't even know what it's supposed to be used for...

Sin mixing is fun!

Dangerous! But if you're intelligent enough, God will teach you how to do it safely and effectively insofar as upholding creation over satiation.

tl;dr I know its more nonsense. Ican't wait until your motherfucking dies and you do something criminal within six months and have to go to prison. Then and only then will we know peace.
tl;dr I know its more nonsense. Ican't wait until your motherfucking dies and you do something criminal within six months and have to go to prison. Then and only then will we know peace.

This guy is worried that I'm going to do something criminal.

Really... really let that sink it... as DOGE uncovers every other asshole around him whose been stealing literal TRILLIONS of dollars!

Oh, but... I'm the problem! The guy who lives the worst life while working the most.

You're worried about me.

Uh huh...

You sound like my idiot brother. He's a poison person who poisons people.

Unfortunately for you, I'm a Christian, so I can't be poisoned.

I know for a fact that if anything happened to my mom the immediate asshole landlord would start trouble and I'd have to go and get a TRO to get at least 30 days to straighten out all my mom's affairs... he'll give me three days... some inhuman monsters like you will call that fair because... well, rapists are what they do. They let one little impulse rape control of their cognition field and then let that one little impulse rape creation out of others.

Selfish slashes.

Do you think I don't expect that? I was raised by hell, I was raised by abusers who literally tried to murder me on the regular!

It will not be difficult to sell large stuff. I assume I will have to because no one will rent me a storage unit... they might, but I assume I have the worst luck in life, because I have no shortage of abusers who try and create the worst luck for me. So I will not be able to find a place to store anything, so I will be forced to sell most of it, and my mom and I have already discussed plans for that, including plans for while she is still alive, because she also operates the same way and both of us assume that we could be randomly thrown at any moment for... literally any made up reason.

They've done this before. My mom and I are actually routinely targeted by the landlord, at least every six months or so they try to "evict us", but then it turns out that it's like a fake eviction notice and more like a warning, or they always have some excuse and it's always for some completely made up, incomprehensible stupid shit that's easily proven wrong. Like one time they threatened us with eviction because they said a lawn chair was leaning up against the side of the apartment. Another time they claimed we told a repair guy to "fuck off" when what we actually told him was "just fix it" after HE refused to fix something (instead tried to blame us, as if that accusation would even negate the need, but I guess he was looking for an excuse to just... not fix it)... but then, oops, yeah, what the fuck did you just read?

We record everything. My mom and I record absolutely everything, all the time. Because, again... we have to deal with inhuman assholes like you... all the time.

So no, we never told the guy to "fuck off", but that didn't stop them from threatening to evict us AGAIN and... you see how life is? Whether I'm here, not here, or my is here, or not here... doesn't matter to abusers... because my mom and I are both the kinds of people that abusers pick on.

We're "easy targets" who try to make themselves into "hard targets" by working together synergistically. It's why your kind doesn't like the notion of family members living as roommates... it fucks up your ability to abuse people. You can't abuse them as easily when they have other people to rely on.

My mom relies on me and I rely on her... and together we have a great number of ways and means of ruining shit for your rapish abusers.

So I know... oh I know you're just DROOLING over the idea of my mom dropping dead... cause you think that's gonna be your opportunity to TAKE SOMETHING, to RAPE SOMETHING out of me... but you're wrong... we've already anticipated every outcome of you.

This is how far ahead...

Your abuse will end. We don't need to operate like you. Your empire crumbles and still you accuse!

I can lose everything again... it's not like that would be "new" to me.

What's important, what matters... is me! I'm the one who can write past reality. Anything else is just... personal belongings. Things that abusers try to rape control of as a means of controlling you. They don't really value them at all, that's why they can't empathize with the loss of personal things. They don't recognize real value in life.

Everything I love in life could be burned again, but I always know the pain will give me paint to perceive even higher.

Your kind already burned what I love most.

Look at what I did with the pain you caused me...

My mom is nice, she cooks really great food and her "boomer games" revolve around household chores that I sometimes steal from her like boss that attacks with nagging concerns (most of which I make up... like, oh there's a blizzard outside, you need help... 2 inches of snow).

Losing my mom would really be awful, but it wouldn't be the end of my world, because my world always extends past yours.

There's nothing you can burn that's greater than my own imagination... that's literally infinite and worth more than your concept of currency itself.

Do you really think I don't know people who don't recognize that fact?

I have people I can rely on for help... people... not... whatever tha'fuck you are. Monster.
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At least someone is proud of my martyr complex. This will get me through the next couple of weeks.

Edit - oh yes, I have enough time for the radio on the way to the grocery store story.

I decided to let the radio play on whatever random station it was on since I don't pay attention. It was a song about close friends maybe being more than close friends. I was grooving to it. It finished right before I turned off the car in the parking lot. The next words were "you are listening to virgin radio". Lmao.
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